Chapter 14

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A black figure appeared as time seemed to stop in a silver sword was trembling as it was firmly clamped in between my figures.

Suspended in the air the black figure gasped as if shocked at his blade being stopped, twisting his body he let go of the blade doing a backflip he Landing on the ground softly with grace. His feet danced as if he was doing ballet as his image blurred, disappearing from view.

" MY LADY " everyone screamed as the female soldiers immediately gathered in front of me making a human shield, grabbing a massive red claymore from her back newt grew as if she just hit a growth spurt her grew long, horns grew from her head, sharp to the touch she growled in a deep primitive voice as her now sharp teeth sparkled whitely as she bared them.

The black figure was in shock as there was only one man who has the ability to block yet even he would have a hard time defending against it, yet this small cute child defended against it with ease stopping his blade with just her cute, white, tender, soft-looking, defenseless fingers.

He felt terrible to have to attack such a cute child strong or not it made a terrible taste in his mouth but he most for the sake of his... Sighing he knew he had little chance to win but he must for their sake he began to prepare for the next attack as in the back of his mind screamed that he was going against what he promised.

I closed my eyes pretending not to be aware of where this black figure was, I rubbed my temples thinking about how this has just affected the image I carefully have tried to bring.

In fear of my image being tarnished at such a daring attempt at assassination, I became to come a way to reverse the situation in my favor. As the black figure slowly walked around the circle of soldiers a light lit up in my head.

" All of you stand aside I shall deal with this assassin " I shouted as my tail and wings were exposed, pulling my armor from my space as it appeared one after another on my body as massive amounts of energy gushed forward it was dark and sinister such ancient and unknown caused the soldiers to fly back as a white thin shield protected them from getting hurt.

Turning to where the assassin was " COME " I exclaimed slamming my sword into the ground cause the ground to shake and explode, dirt flew everywhere as rocks rained down on the surroundings like grenades.

The black figure jumped back just in time as the ground exploded avoiding an injury, however, his cover now blown he rushed forward through the dirt and dust. The sound barrier exploded behind him as he appeared in front of the small girl.

Swinging his sword down vertically he grunted as he exerted his strength to the maximum holding nothing back as an explosion erupted he smiled knowing he hits his target as clouds of dust covered the battlefield everyone grew wary and concerned for their lady's safety, they didn't have to wait for long as a figure burst from the cloud of smoke.

*Boom* *boom* *boom* explosions rocked the planet back in forth as a black figure repeatedly hit the ground as he flew back before smashing into a distant mountain.

As the dust started to settle the figure reappeared gripping his sword tightly as if it became a part of his body. Swinging harshly his sword left a blur of an X at the now visible child, sweat started to drip from his brow.

*Clannng* the sword was blocked before breaking in half " SHIT JUST DIE " he screamed in frustration swinging his sword wildly in a random fashion.

He watched as every attack was blocked by the child, smiling she mocked him " don't bother just surrender I would rather not kill you " she said as he swung faster and faster. He knew he should remain calm but he could as the back of his mind refused to let him telling him to stop. heartless bastard don't, you will become the thing you hate most his mind screamed at him causing his attacks to be weak as he began to exhaust himself, as more openings in his attacks showed, yet even though he was exposed the girl just smiled as if she was playing a game.

*Pant* *pant* *cough* I watch as the black-cloaked man panted, exhausted he coughed, knees falling to the ground looking between me and his sword his eyes became bloodshot as he lifted the blade to his neck. My eyes widen " NO " I screamed as the blade swiftly slide across his throat.

As his head began to fall I rushed forward grabbing it before it hit the ground, holding it up I took a bit of the bottom the neck where the cut took place blood splashed across my face *gasp* gasping and vomiting could be heard as power and the sweet strawberries went into my body.

White lights exploded as horrifying memories rushed forward creeping, seeping into my mind

don't know when the next chapter will be I may not have to work tomorrow as it is raining today and tomorrow and I work in a farming business

God DevourerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon