Chapter 10

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" EMPRESS??!! " I stepped back in shock, " What do you mean, " I asked. many thoughts rushed through my head realizing that I may actually be royalty. " yes your majesty, you are our races ruler, a dragon that is rarely born So rare in fact that one rarely appears every trillion years, many beings fear our god as the ruler of all, but most of that history has been lost, we dragons only know the looks and race of our empress, the devour dragon " she said winded explaining with speed as if any second could bring her death.

Her tail slid between her muscular legs yet upon closer inspection she was beautiful with a women's curves as the legs were actually refined instead of muscular.

Thoughts raced in my head at great speed, *clank* *thump* echoed soldiers got down on both knees in a praying style, their armor suits hitting the ground, the women prostrated, knee's started to bleed as women fell harshly on loose gravel. " please stand up, you may worship me but not like this " I said helping a small child with her knee's bleeding stand up.

As others stood up I looked at the small girl's knees, blood and rocks covered her knees. Bending down I held my hand out as a green mist covered her knees, the child watched as her knees began healing at the visible eye, new skin replaced the old and broken leaving behind a bright pink shade of skin as the mist cleared. I inspected the girl closer taking in her cute image, black long hair laid cutely at her waist, bangs almost covering her blacks tear-filled eyes, " it's alright, what is your name child " I asked in a soft voice next to her ear hugging her closely.

" M M M-My n n n -name I-is N-Noire " she stuttered shyly, a light blush covered her face. I looked her in her eyes smiling, " Nice to meet you Noire, my name is Nova " I said with a wide smile, she nodded as the red women walked over to me.

Kneeling on one knee " my name is Newt, my empress, allow my worthless life to protect you until death " the women now know as Newt said graciously. " good that was my goal all along for you people " I said proudly hold my head high as my heart began to beat with excitement, *Ahem* as this concerning feeling began to well up inside of me I cleared my throat.

" Newt I hereby promote you to the captain of Dawn Squad my personal protection knights " I stated loudly so everyone could hear " YES, MY EMPRESS " she loudly replied.

Wincing I gave out my first order as I started to walk away " you're first order is to train your fellow knights in physical and magical strength, I'm assuming you have the ability to do that? " I asked hinting at her military-like attitude. " Your wish shall be done," she said as I got back into the carriage, " good I'll be back in one week to see the progress, oh and build a mansion here, you can do that for training as well if need be, any materials you need just inform the Mario at the dragon palace Inn that I own. he will take care of everything " Shouting out the window as the white carriage turned around heading back to the current lord's mansion.

Arriving at the front door I stopped turning to Sadi " aren't you gonna introduce me " I asked with big eyes, she giggled turning towards the carriage she called out " Lily, Phara come say hi to your step sister " she announced out loud as loud pounding could be heard as two big white furry blobs could be seen running on the grass. A couple of tears started to form around my eyes, I didn't know why but as the two wolves greeted me " HI sister " they fell.

the chapter was a little short today as I am trying to get a tanker endorsement, tomorrow next chapter will be up before 11 pm. 

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