Chapter 15: Unexpected Party Crashers

Start from the beginning

"My turn." Requests Evan but Marcel doesn't agree. He runs with me to the back door, slamming it open and running outside. I scream as he sprints around the corner. "See! You are so light I can run with you!" I slap his chest in retaliation but he doesn't seem to notice or care.

Marcel doesn't watch his next corner and Vanoss appears from nowhere, grabbing me and tripping my previous captor. Vanoss ran straight into the woods and ignored the yells from behind us. Vanoss just keeps running until he reaches a shack. He ducks into it and sits on the floor, holding me on his lap still. He looked over my head at the window, hoping no one followed.

Evan's chocolate eyes warm me in this cold space. He shifts nervously before resting his head on the wall. "Look... I know what I did yesterday was incredibly wrong. I invaded your space, took off your mask without your permission, and then stressed you out by fighting Del. I was stressed and I am incredibly sorry for my stupid and irrational decisions. Will you forgive me?" He stares at me with his head still leaning against the wall. I can't help but feel sorry for him.

"Yeah, of course, I do. Just don't be so secretive next time. If you want to talk, tell me. Don't make me worry." He nods and stares at his legs. "Wanna head back for breakfast?" He asks and I nod, feeling my stomach rumble and my bladder threaten to explode. "I am more than ready."

Evan and I walk together back to the mansion, talking about each other now that he knows who I actually am and vice versa. He tells me interesting things, like how they stayed hidden and were never caught as the BBS.

"So now that schools over, what are you going to do? People thought you were just normal teens and if you disappear off the map..." He grunts in acknowledgment. "You're right. We'll have to get jobs and shit. To be honest, most of us lied about our age so we could through school at a later age. I'm not eighteen (Y/n), I'm twenty-one. Moo is the oldest, not by much but he still is. Considering birth certificates don't exist, it was the perfect disguise." He stops speaking, letting me finish his sentence in my head.

We walk in silence for a bit before we reach the front door. He softly swings and nudges my shoulder. "What'cha thinking about?" I smile at him before answering.

"How'd you all meet and become a gang? Where did Bryce and his 'friends' come into the story?" He frowns and shakes ahead. "That's a story for another time." He walks through the door and waits for me to come through. I do and nod to him before looking around the empty dark room.

They had turned the lights off and closed the blinds. It wasn't pitch dark but dark enough for me to squint until I got used to the lighting. Everything was just as we left it too, pillows everywhere and blankets over the couches. Evan and I walk towards the center of the room, expecting a surprise at any second.

"Get behind me," Evan says, grabbing my arm and holding me behind him. I watch him with curiosity. All the boys seem to think I can't fight. I gaze around the room carefully and notice the camera upstairs that Nogla and I planted, still on.

Tugging on Vanoss's jacket and pulling him closer to my mouth. I whisper into his ear, "upstairs, there is a camera. It's recording everything." He nods and grips my wrist, going upstairs to the second floor.

I reach the camera and stop the recording. I watched over the footage in x4 speed. The boys all came in around ten minutes ago but it's insanely weird. The footage showed them all twisting their heads and looking at the camera at the same time. A weird grin on all their faces. It disturbed me and I rewound back a few seconds, letting Vanoss watch. He watched them stand to look at the camera for a minute before they vanished into thin air.

He shakes his head at me. "We need to leave. Someone has hijacked the footage and I don't think it was Terrorizer." He starts running down the stairs and I just jump the railing, used to the fall impact. He notices but doesn't think much about it. I pull at the door. "Locked. Someone's here." Vanoss grabs onto me, pressing his back against mine and preparing a stance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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