"What? That's absurd."

"I told you. I'll give you only one chance. Take it or leave it."


'This doesn't seem so bad, right?' you thought.

You took out your coin. It was a token given to you.

"Pick. Heads or tails?" you asked.

"Tails." she answered.

"Alright. If it turned heads, I win."

You gulped and tossed the coin. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. You caught the coin. You felt the bumps on it and knew where the heads or tail is. A little sleight of hand and you slammed your hand on the table.

"Alright. Here goes." you said.

You lifted your hand slowly until the coin showed. Heads. You win. You're sweating bullets.

'Will she notice?'

You looked at her and saw her smiling.

'Crap. She knew didn't she?'

She suddenly clapped her hands.

"Congratulations. But that's too bad. I only have half the cash in me. I'll have to think of another way to pay you back."

"Th- That's fine! I'll take it and let's forget about this alright? I won't tell anybody I swear."

"Ah. I know." She wasn't listening. "I'll be your personal pet."

"What?" your jaw dropped.


Back to present.

You turned around to look at the one behind you.

"Alright Momobami-sama. What's your deal anyway? You could easily pay me off in full. Why choose to pay me half and be my pet instead?" you asked when nobody else was around.

She just smiled at you.

"Oh crap. You creep me out!" you said.

"Don't talk to her like that! She's still the president!" her assistant, Sayaka Igarashi suddenly showed up.

"It's quite alright Sayaka." The president spoke up.


"Shhh." she put her finger to Sayaka's lips to silence her. "Just go back to the council room and keep an eye for me."

"If you say so President." she bowed and looked at you angrily before going away.

You let out a breath you didn't notice you were holding. The student council guys are plenty scary for you.

"Classes are over. I'm going home." you said.

"Are you not gonna stay for a while to gamble?" she asked.

"Nah. I still got a lot of spare cash from you for the next couple of months. I don't have to worry much."

You went out of the academy. You didn't live that far so you decided to walk home. You were halfway there when you stopped walking.

"Ugh seriously!?" you blurted out.

You closed your eyes and clenched your fists. You swear you felt a vein pop in your head. When you opened them back, you turned around and pointed at someone.

"What the heck are you doing!? You're not planning to follow me home are you!?" you said.

She laughed.

"That's exactly what I was thinking. Now continue walking. Don't mind me."

"Seriously. Stop it. We're not at the academy anymore."

"Whoever said being a pet stops once you're out of the academy? I know I didn't say anything like that at all." she crossed her arms and smiled.

Thus begun your chaotic relationship with Momobami Kirari.


let me just...  spiraku
for those who asked 😂😂😂

  spirakufor those who asked 😂😂😂

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