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"Tjay!" Khalil squealed as he saw him and his friends emerge into the room.

"Wassup Khalil." Tjay went in for a hug while neek and Chris just dapped him up.

"How you feelin?" Neek asked.

"Good actually, I wanna go home now, I miss my bed." Khalil smiled at the thought of actually sleeping in his twin sized bed that he once complained so much about.

"Well I've been breaking it in for ya." Tjay teased. "Where's momma?"

"She's a work, I had to beg her to leave."

"I didn't see her this morning."

"That's cause she packs overnight bags and just sleep here."

"Good, now that everythings' squared away. Khalil can you tell us who shot you?" Chris stepped up to his bed.


"Just to know, ya know."

"I don't think I should tell y'all."

"What not?" Tjay asked, now sitting himself on his bed.

"Cause I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Why would something bad happen to tjay?" Neek asked.

"Ion know, I just- I was thinking if the person who shot me wanted me dead.. I could've been dead I mean I was walking alone in a secluded area and it was so obvious I wasn't aware of my surroundings. They could've shot me in the head, or chest. But they shot my foot. Tjay that don't sound weird to you?"

"I mean, I heard he was a kid himself. I kind of expect the aim to be a lil off."

"But my chest is a longs way from my foot T. Don't tell mom, but something is up. You shouldn't have came back."

Funny Ariah said the same thing.

"Okay so tell us who shot you and I'll handle it." Tjay egged on.

"I don't want you to handle it T, I want you to go home."

"You know I can't do that."

"Why not? Why can't you leave this life alone! I got shot because of you isn't this enough!" Khalil was starting to lose his temper. His voice began to increase and his breathing became, heavy and short.

His heart monitor began to make loud noises as his breathing began to get worse. The boys gathered around Khalil to try to calm him down, but it only made the matter worse. Soon enough an nurse rushes in demanding the boys to wait outside while they calm him down.

"Tione." An all too familiar voice, spoke behind him. He turned to face his mother who wore  a worried look on her face. He wanted to go in for a hug but he noticed her eyes darted from him to the closed off room with a nurse nursing Khalil.

"Oh my god what happened?" She jogged up to the room but tjay stoped her.

"He's fine, he was just a lil excited to see me." He tried to offer her a smile but she kept the same expression.

"When did you get here?"

"Yesterday morning."

"Bonnie here?"

"Nah, she's back at home."

"Good, we don't need her visit here to be a remorseful one."

"So.. like what happened?"

"Exactly what I told you on the phone Tione."

She goes in for a hug with with neek and Chris and starts a small conversation with them. Tjay walks over closer to the door examining Khalil. How could I have done this? How is this my fault? His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. Without looking he answers it knowing it was no one but Bonnie.


"Hey, I was just calling to check on you." She spoke.

"Oh, my bad for not calling it's like as soon as I got here some shit started."

"Oh my god, what kinda shit?"

"Nun major just some petty ass niggas, nun I can't handle. How are you?"

"umm.. ion know what happened but as soon as you got better I got sick."

"You seemed fine yesterday."

"My throat was trynna hurt yesterday but it's like today I woke up dizzy and I've been throwing up like crazy."

"You got sum else cause I barely threw up."

"This is crazy, my stomach been hurting a lot too."

"Yo period here?"


"Ain't this around the time of yo period?"

"... yeah-I'll call you back."

And with that she hung up. The interaction was odd, but that was something to focus on when he gets back to Seattle. He got back to thinking about how he would end all of this beef, and walk out alive, because He actually has something to live for now.

"Tione." Neek tapped his shoulder snapping him out of his daze.


"Some nigga dm'd me talking bout they know who wanted to shoot Khalil, you want me to reply?" Tjay took the phone and went on the profile. It was empty no photos nothing for the  bio or profile picture. This person could've just made the account hours ago and was just trying to trap them. But what other choice he had? He has so many people out for his head anybody could've done it.

"Don't open it, we just need to gag Khalil to talk."

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