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As I was told I was ready early. As usual my hair was in its natural curly state and I wore My curdoroy mini skirt with a matching weather. I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs. My mom was in the middle of making herself some breakfast before going to work.

"Your up early." She greets me with a gentle smile.

"Yeah I'm going out to breakfast."

"Oh where?"

"You know my fav, ihop."

"I thought Cassie and Leah were banned from ihop for jumping the waitress?" She asks and I laugh remembering my crazy friends. Funny thing Is I would've been banned too, but I begged not to be since it's my favorite restaurant ever.

"I'm not going with them." I trail off. She walks over to me staring me in my eyes.

"It's a boy.. JD?"

"Sadly no, not JD. It's this one boy named tjay he's just a friend so don't get too excited." I tell her. A smile crept upon her face as she embraced me into a hug slightly jumping.

"Oh baby it's about time you get over JD." She coos.

"I'm not over JD and why is everyone expecting me to completely forget about him like I haven't been in love with him for 7 years?"

"Because that love was one sided, I would've thought you knew that by now."

"I know, I still love him."

"This Tjay boy will change that." She winks at me.

"We couldn't be together if I wanted to, he's messing with Cassie." I inform her.

"Then why is he going to breakfast with you?"

"Because we are friends!"

"Yeah yeah." She waves me off and eats her breakfast.

Sooner than later I hear a knock on the door. My mom jumps up beating me to it. She flings it open and there he stood.

"Hello mrs. -"

"Your tjay?" My mom cuts him off.

"Yes I am ma'am."

"You sure are cute." She smiles at him and he gives one back.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Oh no call me mom, I got a feeling your gonna be around for a while." She winks at him then turns to me.

"Tjays here." She whispers right in front of him.

"I know." I whisper back.

I walk over to the door separating the two. "Let's go." I say pushing him down the porch stairs. He didn't have the rover today instead a double R with the red leather seats.

"New car?" I ask.

"Yeah, you like it?" He answered opening up the side door for me.

"Love it." I say getting in. He enters the car and starts it.

"I feel broke being in here." I say and he laughs pulling out my driveway.

"Where are your friends?" I ask him.

"Umm, neek probably over your friend house and Chris is at home."

"Cool." I mumble slipping down in his seat. For a good five minutes it was quiet, he had the music soft so it was a comfortable silence. Didn't really feel the need to talk.

"You look cute today." He starts.

"Yeah? Have that same energy with Cassie today."

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