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"So this is yo room." I say showing him to one of the rooms. "It's right next to mine so if you need me I'm right there." I point to my room and be nods.

"Thanks." He held his head low and I could see him wipe a tear. I really don't know how to comfort people, and usually don't try  to, but for Bonnie I feel like I have to. I pat his back making him look up at me.

"I'm sorry you had to do this."

"Nah you good, I just wanna make sure y'all safe tonight." He sits in the bed, and I follow him. "Aye can I ask you a question?"


"Did yo dad hit Bonnie?" I ask.

"God no, he'd never and if he ever did trust me I'd kill him myself."


"Yeah.. he treats Bonnie way different than he treats us." He begins.


"Me, jalen and Ramsey."

"Who's that?"

"Umm.. our brothers- wait did she not tell you about them?" I shake my head no and he sighs.

"I don't blame her, you know how every family has one dark secret? Jalen and Ramsey is ours. They were twins and older than us, Bonnie by 1 year and me by 7. Anyway you can say that we're all close but they we're inseparable, blood couldn't make them any closer."

There's a reason why Bonnie hasn't mentioned them, obviously it's a touchy subject and I don't wanna pry. Then again I want to know how you can hide two whole brothers? So I let the lil man talk.

"Before you moved here of course, jalen was good a football I'm talking getting recruited as a sophomore good. My dad was very invested his in football career and even became his personal coach. Meaning they would train at abnormal times of the day and he would basically work him like a dog. One night they had a huge game and our dad overworked him the night before and Jalen was too tired and he lost. The whole ride home our dad screamed about how he was a failure and that he just butchered his chances of being recruited. And some more fucked up shit. Bonnie and my mom and Ramsey tried to calm him down but it just wasn't working he was so full of himself he couldn't even see he was breaking his own son. Every single thing our dad said that night stuck with jalen cause two weeks later he killed himself. He slit his wrist in the bathtub and Bon was the one that found him."

My poor baby.

"What happened with Ramsey?" I asks

"Oh, after the funeral we found out he got his girlfriend pregnant and they left without telling our parents. He told us of course and we tell mom that he's safe. He probably left to probably to  raise their son Farr away from dad. We still keep in touch with him. He even comes back to see us." He finishes.

And to think I thought she had this perfect life. She's been keeping all this in and putting on this face like nothing is wrong.

"I can't believe y'all went through that."

"Yeah well, our dads a asshole."

"But that's not how bon paints him."

"You've been dating her for minute now, you should know Bonnie tries her absolute best to see the best in everybody, and plus our dad thinks she's the golden child. Like she won't fail him like the rest of us did." He scoffs.

"I'm sorry your going through this shit man, aye if wanna stay a couple more nights here ion mind. In fact whenever he on some bull just pull up or even call me and I'll come get you." I offer.

"Thank you tjay.. seriously." He takes me into a hug off guard. I ain't gone lie this shit kinda weird.

"Oh my god." I snap my head and Bonnie is leaned against the door smiling. Alex lets go of me and looks up at Bonnie.

"Your boyfriend is everything." Alex says and she laughs walking over to me and sitting in my lap.

"He really is." I look in her eyes and I don't see any pain in them. She kissed my cheek and then my lips.

"Alex you okay to sleep by yourself?" She asks still looking at me. The fuck is she planning.

"Yea I'm not 2."

"Good." She grabs my hand and leads me to my room. She closes the door and locks it.


She doesn't speak she just pushes me on the bed and attacks me. She kisses my chest, neck and then lips. She sits on top of me and takes off my beater and removes her top. Now she's just left in her bra.

"I love you tjay."



"I love you." She repeats herself. I heard her before I just wanted her to repeat herself. "You've been there for me through everything, even when you don't want to. I really love you."

I'm deadass at a lost for words. I always thought it was gonna be me to say it first and I've been waiting to say it for a while, I was just looking for the perfect timing.

"If you don't feel the same right now-"

"I fucking love baby." I confess.

"Deadass?" She ask and I laugh. She really a mini me.

"Yes Bonnie, I'm in love with you." She smiles wide and goes back down to kiss me.

I'm not gone lie, a nigga on cloud nine right now.  I don't think anything can get better than this.

"I wanna try something." She smirks and I look at her confused. She starts kissing my neck again and then my chest and just kept  getting lower.

She tugs at my sweats taking them off leaving me in my underwear. She rub on me through my boxers. Shit got me hard already.  She smile to herself seeing me grow in front of her. Let me find out she a freak. She grabs the waist band and began to pull on it but I stop her.

"You sure?" I ask her.

"Lay back." She tells me and I obey and go back to watching her.

She pulls it out and I could tell she got a little scared. I smile thinking about how innocent she actually is. She takes me into her mouth and start sucking. And I mean SUCKING! Like she did this plenty times before. She used her hands to pump me and suck at the same time, that shit took me out. I was a moaning ass mess. I actually got kind of embarrassed cause I never moaned like that before.

"Baby I'm close." She looks up at me, while I'm still in her mouth and moans around me. We made eye contact the entire I felt my high coming. I closed my eyes feeling it coming. She takes me out her mouth and I snap my head up.

"Look at me when you do it." She says and goes right back to it. I really tried to keep my eyes open I just couldn't do it.

"Fuckkkk!" I moan out as I release. She takes it all and swallows. She gets off me and I just lay there starring up at ceiling.

"Did you like it?" She asks.

"I thought you said you never sucked dick?"

"I haven't, why was it bad?" She looks down.

"Bad? Bonnie that had to be the best head I ever got in my life." I say pulling up my pants. She grin slightly I get up and kiss her forehead.


"Yes, I never moaned like that before either, you finna be a problem." I drag her to me and kiss her, she pulls back.

"I'm finna brush my teeth." She walks into my bathroom and I lay back into the bed.

I got a little freak on my hands.

I really had to get that part out the way 🙃 anywaysssss who's shocked she had more brothers!? (You shouldn't be cause I mentioned them in the beginning.. ketchup mustard😭)

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