"Well one we've never seen each other disrobed-."

"Disrobed? Honey just say naked." She says pinching her nose bridge, and shaking her head.

"Fine... Naked...And Second how do we get anything done?"

"I...Did...Did you just ask that?"

"Water bills aren't cheap!"

"I forget you're not a child like the rest of my "kids".

"I forget that your a hormone monster meant for 12-15 year olds."

"Well actually we could stay for years. We finally go away until your like in your mid 20's."

"Oh . It'll be sad when you go."

"I know honey, but remember ill always be around."

I smile at Connie. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Teaching me these new emotions."

"Well you taught yourself that the only thing I did was clarify what they were."

"Well whatever I still thank you for it."

"Well then you're welcome." She smiles. "Anyways are you going to ask him?"


"What do you mean."

"Say if things get heated. I'll ask him if he's ready."

"Hm that sounds smart. Good girl." She pats my head.

I smile. "Just logic."

"Logic. Smoglic. Hop in the shower before you really start wasting water."

"OH RIGHT. But wait." I grab my phone and putting on a song. To Binge by Gorillaz.

Connie shakes her head. "Alright then i'll be off for now."

"Bye Connie." I wave. She waves back and then disappears.

Instead of singing like normal I get lost in my thoughts. The dream. Am I really that... what's the word. Turned on?? No there's a word for it... hmmmm. Oh horny? Ew that sounds weird. Anyways is that what it means? Ugh.

Suddenly a knock at the door brings me back to reality. "Hey babe. You alright in there?"

"Yeah Im fine i'll be out in a minute!" Crap I didn't realize how long I was in here.

"Alright just checking in. Oh yeah Breakfast is ready so hurry if you want it warm."

"alrighty Thanks Love!"

"You're welcome."

I finish my shower turning off all the water. What if he had walked in? Would he have liked what he saw? Oh my what are these thoughts and where are they coming from! I quickly place my clothes on trying to be around people to clear this sin. Ha I laugh at myself. I walk out the bathroom.

Judd looks up from his phone. "I will never get used to seeing you with wet hair. It's just too cute." He smiles.

"Really I thought I looked like a rat." I laugh.

"Not at all!" He says serious.

"Calm down i'm only joking besides I am a literal MODEL." I bust out laughing knowing that's not true. Judd stands up and walks over to me.

"You're damn right about that." He says lifting my chin looking into my eyes. His eyes are filled with love.

I feel my face begin to heat up. "UHM YEAH. BReakFAst." I pull away from him. I quickly walk over to the food he has put on the counter. "Looks good."

Opposites Attract Judd x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora