"Yeah, sorry about that. I begin to ramble."

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"Y/n please come with me!" My best friends, Mandy whined. She wanted me to go with her to a lecture about victimology. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but for the love of god please stop whining." I complained. The blonde jumped up and down in front of me and clapped her hand as she squealed. I rolled my eyes and laughed. She grabbed my arm and yanked me out of my chair. "It's starts in fifteen minutes so, we gotta go." She said clapping her hands like a mom would. I grabbed a hoodie and my purse and we left.

We had gotten there a few minutes early and we sat in maybe the eighth row. I saw a tall, slim man setting up on a laptop. He was very, very attractive. Now I know why Mandy wanted to take me with her. I looked at her. She was looking at me with a cheeky smile. "I hate you." I said in a loving manor.

"Hello everyone, I'm doctor Spencer Reid. I'm here to talk you all about victimology, victimology is the possession of an outlook, arising from real or imagined victimization, that seems to glorify and indulge the state of being a victim. I'm also here to talk to you about profiling. I, myself, am a profiler. I once worked on the Jason Marks case. Now he was really a hard case to figure out because he would always change his m.o. Now I'm pretty sure a lot of you heard the term M.O. but, does anyone actually now what it comes from?" Doctor Spencer Reid asked and only one kid raised their hand so I decided to raise my hand. He made eye contact with me and pointed at me. "The acronym MO is used to represent the Latin phrase 'Motus Operandi' which means someone's way of doing a certain thing or preforming a certain action. It's like their signature. generally unique only to them. Like Ted Bundy's MO was luring the victim with charm or a fake injury." I said and was going to continue until I saw half the lecture hall staring at me. Some amazement other annoyed. "Sorry, I'm rambling." I said as I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

Doctor Reid looked at me with a smile and awe. "Don't be sorry. That was perfect." He said. I just smiled sweetly back at him. I put my head down in embarrassment. I heard Mandy trying so hard not to burst out laughing. I kicked her a little but was smiling also. The rest of the lecture I paid a lot of attention.

Everyone began to stand up as the lecture had ended. "Y/n that was so funny. You're face was so red." Mandy said laughing as she packed her things up. "No it wasn't! It was really embarrassing." I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Come on. I wanna introduce you to my cousin." She said as she walked and I followed. She began to walk to the stage where Doctor Reid was packing. I froze and Mandy turned around and laughed as she motioned for me to walk with her. I took a deep breathe and went with her. "Spence!" She exclaimed as she gave her cousin a hug. Now I see where she gets the height. "Hey Mandy." He said hugging her back. "Spence this is my best friends y/n." She said motioning to me. I smiled. Neither of us shook hands cause it causes so much freaking nasty ass germs. "You're the girl who I called on." He said. "Yeah, sorry about that. I begin to ramble." I said getting embarrassed just rethinking about it. He shook his head. "No need to apologize." He said. I look to the corner of my eye to see Mandy trying to run away as silently as possible. "Dude, where are you going?" I asked her. "Gotta go!" She yelled as ran away. My mouth was left open in shock then in confusion then it hit me. I was alone with Doctor Reid.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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