"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere for a long time okay?

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"Okay, bye I love you. Call me when later okay?" I say to my husband over the phone. He was on another case that had to do with like, bombs or something down in Iowa. "Alright, bye. I love you too." He said back before he hung up. I turned on the news just to have something in the background while I got some ice cream and fed our black cat, Salem. I jumped onto the couch with my bowl and spoon. I always watch the new when ever Spence is on a case just in case something happens. I wrapped myself in a blanket and I felt my phone buzz on the couch. I pick it up and see I have a text from Spence. It just read. "I love you so much. I'm sorry." I furrowed my eyes in confusion and looked at the t.v. to see a huge explosion go off in a building.

My face dropped. I dropped my ice cream and picked up the phone to call Spence but, he wasn't answering. I felt myself begin to sob. I stood up and paced back and forth hoping that he would answer. I called Penelope knowing she would pick up. She picked up right away. "Hey sweetheart what's up." She said sounding like she was also crying. "Hey do you know if Spence is okay. I saw the explosion and he isn't answering and texted me right before the explosion that he loves me and I'm really scared and e isn't picking up and I just." I rambled but I was interrupted with a sob coming out of my mouth. "I'll try and contact him okay?" She says. Before hanging up. I let out heavy sobs as I fall to ground.

I don't know what I would do if the love of my life died. I wouldn't be able to bear seeing him in a casket. I just imagined his body lying there with no help while fire spread around him. This made me cry more but, I got a call and shakily picked it up. "Hey love." The voice I fell in love with said. I let out a gasp of relief. "Oh my god." I said crying. "What's wrong?" He worriedly said. "I saw the explosion on t.v. and I thought something had happened to you and you weren't picking up your phone and I got scared!" I said crying harder. "Hey hey hey. Calm down love, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere for a long time okay?" He said calmly. I smiled and sniffled. "Promise?" I ask. "Promise." He says. I smiled as I wiped my tears.

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