"I am a F.B.I agent. I could kick their old asses anyways."

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Y/n pov

Me and the team all decided to go to the bar just for fun. I sat with Penelope at the bar as she watched Morgan dance with a few girls. I laugh as he dances like there's a live animal in his pants. We all split up in different directions J.J. was playing darts with guys and Emily was some where and Reid was talking to some other smart people at a table. "He's so smooth." Penelope says in admiration. I laugh at her comment. "I'll be right back, gotta use the bathroom." She says before walking away. I just nod. I turn around in my seat so I was facing the bar.

After a while I felt someone sit next to me I knew it wasn't Penelope due to not seeing colorful clothes. "Hi." The older, drunk man slurred. "Hey." I lightly smile looking at him and looking forwards hoping he gets the message. "Let me buy you a drink." He says. I can smell the alcohol coming off his breathe. "I'm okay." I say not making eye contact. He puts his arm around my waist. "Then how about you just come home with me." He says coming close to me. I move my head away from him. "How about you just fuck off." I say with attitude. His grips gets tighter on my waist. "Now that's no way to talk." He says but, before I could say anything someone puts their arm around my shoulder I look up and see my boyfriend and my best friend.

"Come man fuck off." Reid says aggressively. "Or what you really think your skinny ass can fight us?" The guys says as two guys come behind us. I decided to end this so I reach into my purse and grab my badge and show him and his little friends. "No, but I can arrest your asses for assault if you decide to touch us." I say with anger. The guys then look scared out of their mind and back up. I put my badge back in my purse. "Fucking hate bars." I say quietly. "Thank Reid." I say kissing him. "I shouldn't have left you alone." He says. "It's fine, I swear. I am a F.B.I agent. I could kick their old asses anyways." I say trying to lighten the mood. He lets out a chuckle. "Wanna go home?" He asks. "Yes please." I say hoping off the bar stool. As we walk out I see Penelope flirting with a guy. "Have fun Penn." I say winking.

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