"I guess. Reid's pretty great."

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I could feel the streams of water coming down my face. I had gotten a call that my best friend, Penelope, had just been shot.

I run into the hospital and go to front desk. "I'm here for Penelope Garcia." I say quickly as I wipe the tears off my face. She told me the room and I run down the hall avoiding running into people. I find her room and run in. "Oh my god Penny!" I sob ignoring the people in the room. "Y/n/n, sweetheart, I'm fine, I swear." She says grabbing my hand. "It was my fault. I knew you were going out with that guy and I knew something seemed off about him." I say crying. "Y/n it wasn't your fault." She said looking at me dead in my eyes.

"What do you mean he seemed off?" Some skinny, tall guy asked. I wipe my tears. "He would always avoid eye contact with me when I meat him like he was nervous but, when he talked to Penelope he was so cocky." I say. "Oh yeah. Guys this is my best friend Y/n y/l/n. Y/n this is the team." She said. Penelope talked about these guys all the time and she showed me pictures of them so, I already knew who they were. "Hi, wish we could meet under better circumstances." I say smiling a little.

Penelope was getting tired so we decided to leave and I needed fresh air. I walk outside and sit on the curb I held my face in my hands. I kept blaming myself, think of things I could have done, and warning her about him. I felt someone's presence sit next to me and I look up and see the same Spencer Reid sitting next to me.

"You okay?" He asked me actually looking concerned. "Yeah." I say not caring that I was crying. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sigh. "I just knew that something was like, wrong with this guy. I just keeping thinking do scenarios that I could have done to prevent this." I say crying even harder. "Y/n you have to understand this wasn't your fault. I know it might seem like that but, it's not. Trust me." He says putting an arm around me pulling me closer to him. His body warmth, warming my body.

I start to calm down a little. "You okay know?" He asked. I nodded. He stands up and holds his hand out for me. I take it and he pulls me up. We stand in silent. "Thanks Spencer for everything." I say smiling. "Anytime hey and call me if you need anything." He said handing me his card with his number. "Thank you." I say. "Need a ride home?" He offers. "I think I'm gonna stick around here for a little." I say pointing back to the hospital. He nods "Remember you can call me for anything." Reid says before walking away.

I walk back into the hospital and straight to Pen's room. "Hey, you up?" I ask. She nods but with her eyes closed. "I gonna stay here with you. I don't want you to be alone." I say. She just nods understanding. "So how'd you like the team. More importantly do you like anyone on the team?" She says smirking turning her head towards me. "I guess. Reid's pretty great." I say smiling. "Ooo." She says smiling. I jokingly roll my eyes and laugh. "I'm sleepy." She say softly. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll be here when you need me. I'm not leaving you." I say to her and she smiles and closes her eyes. I turn of the lamp and sit down and immediately fall asleep as my eyes close.

I woke up to the sun in face. "Good morning sweet pea." Pen says as she smiles. I just groan in reply. "Here." Someone says as they hand me coffee. I look up and see Reid. "Thanks." I smile taking the coffee. "Y/n you should go home." Derek says. "Yeah he's right." Reid says. I nod and get up grabbing my purse. Before I leave I grab Pen's hand. "Call me if anything happens or you need anything." I say "Of course." She said. I walk out of the hospital exhausted. "Wait, y/n!" Reid says calling my name.

I turn around and he stops. "I know this is bad timing but, Garcia told me to do this now or never but, would you like to go out on a date?" He asks nervously. I smile and blush. "Of course." I say. "Alright, I'll text you." He says then runs back into the building. I smile and go home.

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