active shooter

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"Yes Morgan I'll get you a coffee now give the phone back to Reid!" I say to a demanding Morgan. I could hear him laughing as he hands the phone back to Reid. "You'll be here soon, right?" He asked worriedly. "Yes, Reid I'll be there soon." I say laughing as Reid was about to say something a man walked into the diner and shot to the ceiling. Everyone ducked down to the ground. "Y/n wha was that?" Reid asked. "Active shooter." I say quickly.

I take my gun out of my holster "F.B.I. put your gun down!" I scream and aim my gun and the guy. He aims his gun at me. "Oh you think you're gonna save these people? You're just some weak bitch. He says aggressively. He's scared. He keeps looking anywhere but, me and the bystanders. "I don't wanna shoot anyone!" He says. "Then don't. If I put my gun down you put yours okay?" I say calmly. "I can't, he won't let me!" He says about to cry.

"Who won't let you?" I asked. "The voices they won't stop. They won't let me stop!" He says getting choked up. "If you out the gun down I can help you." I say smiling. "Promise?" He asked. "Promise." I say smiling. Then the police sirens were heard as they pulled up. He looked at me in pure anger. "You bitch!" He screamed as he fired a shot. Screams were heard. The bullet had grazed by arm leaving a bloody cut. I fell to the ground when the guy ran up to me a pistol whipped me and punched me twice. Then I heard a gun shot. I closed my eyes waiting to feel the pain when I opened my eyes I saw the dead body in front of me. All the bystanders ran out of the cafe. I stood up and put my gun in my holster and walked out. "Oh my god y/n!" J.J. Said as she ran towards me. "I'm fine!" I say as I walk towards the medic.

I sat in the ambulance while the medic patched up my arm. Reid came running over to me and hugged me. "You scared me." He said. "I'm sorry." I replied with. "No, it's not your fault." He said. He grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed back. "Yeah Pretty Boy making a move!" Morgan said cheering behind us. The rest of the team then started cheering. I laughed in between the kiss. Reid pulled away and we looked at the team red faced. I flicked Morgan off jokingly.

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