Preference: you go to disney

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Dan: “Can we go on this one?” Dan asked as he looked up at the tall ride. “Oh, hell no.” “Aw, c’mon. Please? For me?” Dan gave you puppy dog eyes. “Fine,” you groaned. You reluctantly went to go stand in line. About twenty minutes later, you two sat in your seats and were being brought to the top of the ride. “IhateyouIhateyouIhateyou,” you chanted as the ride held you ninety feet in the air. Dan just laughed. You could see the entire parking lot and beyond. And each second that the ride held you in the air, the more your anxiety increased. You hated not knowing when something was going to happen. A few seconds later, the ride let go and you both fell towards the ground. “See? It wasn’t that bad.” “Could we go again?” you asked.

Phil: “I’ve never actually been to Epcot before,” you stated as you two walked towards the ticket booths. “Really? Oh god. You’re gonna love it.” And he was right. You two spent most of your time in Japan and Morocco. But, when you got to Germany, you didn’t want to leave. “I’m home!” you announced as you saw the Bavarian styled buildings and heard the oompa music. You had family who still lived in Germany, and although you had never visited, you still felt a strong connection to the place. The two of you went through the shops that sold cuckoo clocks and steins. You then bought some bratwurst and pretzels to eat. “You’re in your element aren’t you?” Phil asked as you two sat at a table. “Mhm,” you smiled.

Dan and Phil ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang