Preference: Loss of a family member

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Dan: You sat there in shock after you hung up the phone. Your sister. Your baby sister. She was gone. Your eyes were clouded with tears as you tried to call Dan and you tried to hold yourself together so you could at least speak to him coherently, but once you heard him answer, you broke down. “D-Dan?” you stammered. “Wait, what’s wrong?” he asked with alarm. “C-could you c-come over here?” “I’ll be there as soon as I can okay?” You could hear him running around the house, most likely looking for his shoes and coat. He had no idea what was even happening, but about ten minutes later, he was knocking frantically on your front door. As soon as you opened it, you ran into his arms and sobbed. Still hugging you, he lead you inside so you could at least have some privacy. You continued to cry and he rubbed your back while whispering, “it’s okay. Everything’s going to be alright.” After a few minutes, you both sat on the sofa, and you were still crying into his chest. “I can’t believe she’s gone!” you wailed. “Wait, who’s gone?” “M-my sister.” Dan’s heart dropped. He had no idea it was something this serious. He just thought you had a bad day at work or something. He knew how close you were to your sister. You and her were only a year apart. Tears began to prick at the edges of Dan’s eyes. He couldn’t think of anything to say, so he kissed the top of your head and continued to hold you as both of you cried.

Phil: “That’s it. He’s gone,” you stated solemnly as you entered the lounge, placing your cell phone on the table. Your grandfather had been in the hospital for the last two weeks and there was no longer anything the nurses could do to keep him alive. You sat down next to Phil and rested your head on his shoulder. “You alright?” You shrugged. “I will be.” You sat there for a couple of minutes before you spoke again. “He was such a good guy, you know? He was always helping out with different charities, and always helping his neighbors with things. He never said anything bad about anyone” You laughed to yourself as you remembered the funny things he used to do. “He used to make these faces at me whenever my grandmother was nagging him. And this one time when we were at the beach, a seagull took a whole sandwich out of his hand a just flew away.” Your voice got a little quieter as you remembered things the two of you used to do when you were younger. “We would play pool in the basement. We’d go on bike rides…” You stopped, not wanting to cry. Phil put his arm around you and noticed you were trying to hold back the tears. “It’s okay to cry, you know,” he whispered. But that was all the permission you needed. A steady flow of tears streamed down your face. “I’m gonna miss him,” you whispered. “As long as you don’t forget him, he’ll always be with you.”

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