Dan imagine: Fall out boy concert

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You've been standing at the barrier for the last 3 hours waiting for Fall Out Boy to come on. Dan was stood right behind you, arms either side of you, making sure you would stay in perfect view for when they come on, he knows how much you love them.

People started shoving around trying to get closer once there was only 10 minutes left. Dan almost lost his grip a few times but you made sure he didn't get lost in the crowd. You held onto the barrier tightly, refusing to let this spot go. Dan had one hand now wrapped around your waist incase people tried to shove him away.

"You alright (Y/N)?" He asked in your ear so you could hear him.

You nodded as a response, knowing it'd be easier than talking.

Shortly after Fall Out Boy came rushing onto the stage, everyone screaming along with you and you were pretty sure you heard Dan screaming to.

You were both jumping along to the songs, singing your hearts out. You'd both been shoved back a bit but you were ok you could still see a little.

Dan noticed you were getting a little crushed and without warning, he chucked you on his shoulders so you could see better. Looking around you saw you were the only one higher than everyone and Patrick had seemed to notice that.

Just as they started singing the chorus to American Beauty/American Psycho Patrick looked your way smiling as he did. You could feel tears in your eyes, you've so long dreamed of this happening and now it is.


Dan had kept you on his shoulders for the rest of the show. No matter how many times you told him he could put you down, he refused, saying he's alright as long as you're happy and you were.

At the end of the last song Pete jumped in the crowd, somehow the crowd had managed to push him over towards you and he's reached out to hold your hand for a split second, quickly handing you the pick he'd been using for the last few songs before the crowd had carried him away.

Once the last song was over Patrick started talking. "I'd like to thank all of you guys for coming out tonight, we love seeing you guys having so much fun."

"And also shout out this girls boyfriend for holding her up the entire time!" Pete said pointing towards you and Dan.

Dan had almost dropped you then. Whether it was the fact that Pete had given him a shout out, the mention of being your boyfriend or just from being so tired you'll never know. But it was fine because you had such a great time.

When the crowd started to leave Dan bent over so you could climb off his shoulders. As soon as you were on the ground you pulled him into a tight hug. Tears slipped from your eyes and you were smiling like a mad man.

"Oh my god Dan you are literally the best friend I could possibly ask for! I love you so much thank you, thank you, thank you!" You said hugging him, almost chocking him.

You could feel him smiling and hugging you back just as tight.

You heard a few people around you awing and whistling at the two of you. You could feel the blush rising on your cheeks making you hide your face more in Dan's shoulder.

"You two really do make a cute couple." Someone said from behind you.

You knew instantly who it was, Patrick Stump. The Patrick Stump was standing behind you talking to you.

You let go of Dan, turning around, the blush growing more as you looked at Patrick.

"Oh um, we're not actually dating, just good friends." Dan smiled.

"Well you better make your move fast then before someone else decides they want her." He laughed making you blush even more.

You wiped the tears away with the back of your hand, completely sure your makeup was ruined.

"How about a hug?" Patrick asked you.

You could barely nod before he pulled you into a hug, you were crying all over again but this was defiantly the best moment of your life.

You opened your eyes to see Andy, Joe and Pete talking to Dan and you could just make out a single sentence 'you should ask her'.

When you stopped hugging Patrick you both joined the others. As you did you smiled at Dan, standing a little closer than you normally would.

"So (Y/N) how would you feel about coming to our show again tomorrow night?" Joe asked and you instantly started jumping with excitement.

"I'd love to oh god that would be amazing." You smiled.

"Good because Dan here is going to bring you back, we'll help you guys get in and we'll make sure you've got good spots." Andy smiled, and you were sure your heart just melted.

After another half an hour of talking to the band you said your goodbyes and went off to the train station.


"It's alright (Y/N), I'm glad that made you happy." He smiled leading you to an empty seat.


The next night you both got into the concert fine and managed to get backstage, which really was just a giant black curtain.

A security guard had soon led you to where you were assuming you'd be watching the concert.

Right at the front with enough space to move and jump around. You smiled at Dan pulling him into the 216th hug in the last two days. He'd been counting but not that he was complaining.

You felt safe when you were wrapped up in his arms and you were sure you were in love with him. Besides who wouldn't be after what happened last night?

Through the concert the two of you jumped around shouting the lyrics to each song. And about halfway through they stopped to talk.

"So how you guys doing down there?" Pete asked the crowd getting a loud cheer in response.

"Now we've got a friend here in the crowd tonight, his name's Dan." Patrick said motioning Dan to get on stage and with the help of security he did.

The crowd cheered with the fans who'd recognised him. Making you smile.

"Now he's got something he'd like to ask one very special girl." Joe smiled.

The crowd screamed again as Dan was handed a microphone.

"(Y/N), this is something I've been wanting to ask you for a very long time." He was quiet for a moment, thinking over his words.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and the crowd cheered again

All you could do was nod, knowing he'd never hear you if you shouted.

"Then I'd like to dedicate this song to you." He smiled, jumping of the stage and walking closer to you, pulling you in for a sweet he passionate kiss as Arms Race started playing. Dan knew it was my favourite song.

To anyone else, Arms Race wouldn't be so romantic but to me, it was the most romantic song right now.

Dan and I were wrapped around each other for the rest of the concert.

You didn't see Fall Out Boy at the end of the concert like last night. But then again when the concert was over you and Dan shouted a very loud thank you to then when the crowd had quiet a bit.

Dan led you to the train station, you hand in his as he lent down to give you a quick kiss.

"Did I even mention how much I love you?" I giggled as we got on the train.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice." He laughed hugging me close when we sat down.

You were completely content. You'd met the band that had given you so much hope and reason to keep going on with your days and thanks to them you're now dating the man you love.

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