Imagine: ice skating

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"I’m bored." Dan whined as he slumped down onto the sofa next to you and Phil. You rolled your eyes at him and glanced out of the window, it was a cold but bright December day. 

"Why don’t we head to the skating rink that’s just gone up around the corner?" You suggest. You’d been figuring skating for as long as you could remember and the thought of teaching Dan and Phil sounded great. 

"Ice skating?" Phil asks, looking nervous. 

"Yeah, come on it’ll be fun!" You reply, beginning to feel excited at the prospect. 

"We’ll kill ourselves, or other people. You do realise how clumsy we are, right?" Dan says, dramatically waving his hands around as he spoke. 

After a few more minutes you successfully convinced the two of them that all three of you should go skating. 

You exchanged your shoes for skating and went ahead of the boys so that you could skate for a minute. The boys stood on the side and watched you as you made your way around the ice.

"You’re amazing!" Phil exclaims as you skate over to the edge to encourage them onto the ice with you. 

"Thank you, come on." You take their hands and pull them towards the ice. As soon as they stood on the ice they both lost their balance and began to sway, you steadied them both and held them up right. 

"Lets just take it slow." You suggest and proceed to show them how to skate. After five minutes of explaining what to do you let go of their hands and watched as they both tried to skate to the other end of the rink. They both took a few steps and fell. 

You laughed as they had trouble trying to stand up, both clutching at each other to steady themselves. Eventually they made it to the other end of the rink, however you then realised that they couldn’t make it back. They attempted to skate back over towards you but Dan slipped, grabbed Phil and pulled them both down. 

After another hour of teaching them you eventually ensured that they were steady on their feet and they slowly made their way across the ice. Their faces showed how proud they were of themselves.

Dan and Phil ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now