Preference: He's crying

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Dan: “This video is such shit.” Dan laid his head down on his crossed arms. “I highly doubt that,” you said while you sat on the bed with your laptop. He lifted his head slightly. A few tears fell. “It is though.” You got up from the bed, walked over to Dan, and stood behind his chair, your arms wrapped around his neck. “What are you talking about? From what I’ve seen of it, it’s really good. Just like all of your other videos.” “All of my videos suck. All I do is sit in front of a camera and tell the internet how much of a fail my life is.” “Your life isn’t-” “Bullshit. I dropped out of school because I couldn’t handle it,” the tears fell faster now. “And you wouldn’t have dropped out if you didn’t have something to fall back on. Just think, if you had stayed in school pursuing a law degree, or whatever you may have switched it to, you’d probably be stuck in an office five days a week. But instead, you have the freedom to do practically whatever you want. And you’ve had so many opportunities that came from it.” He sniffed. “I guess you’re right. God, where were you three years ago?” He laughed.

Phil: “Seriously?! Do my videos suck that bad?” “They don’t suck at all, Phil.” You paused, and looked at Phil on the opposite side of the couch. “What’s wrong?” “I just don’t get it… I’ve been working my ass off for the last EIGHT YEARS! And then these people come along and get as many subscribers as I do in a few months!” You really didn’t know what to say, because he was right. It wasn’t fair. “The videos aren’t even that good!” he exclaimed, arms up in the air. The two of you went to bed not long after that. Your head was on his chest when you began to notice his erratic breathing. You looked up at him. He was crying. “Hey. Don’t let that get to you, okay? You may not have 7 million subscribers, but I bet you, every single one of yours loves you. You’re like their hidden gem, their little secret.” “Yeah, yeah, okay,” he said sarcastically. “I’m serious, Phil. And it’s just a number. That number can’t measure how great of a person you are. And I bet you’re ten times as great of a person as they are.” He smiled a little and kissed your head, whispering a “thank you” before falling asleep. Once Phil was asleep, you made sure to get #PhilAppreciationDay trending on Twitter.

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