Preference: He accidentally makes you feel insecure

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Dan -

You were out to lunch with Dan after some well needed attention. He had been busy lately and you were feeling neglected, so this lunch put you into a significantly good mood. Plus the fact that you were starving made it even better, "This is so good," you murmured, digging into your pasta. "You're still hungry? That's your second plate right?" Dan wondered, taking a sip from his sweet tea. "Um...yeah." You answered, dropping your fork. I should probably stop, you thought, plastering a smile onto your face and sticking with water for the rest of the meal.


Phil -

Phil enjoys picking out clothes for you and after a few dresses he had handed you through the dressing room door, he had brought back yet another. You had fallen in love with it, but unfortunately it was way too small. "Really? It looked like it would fit...if you want i'll get a bigger one." He said, not thinking about his choice of words. As soon a he said that, you felt incredibly insecure; you knew he didn't mean to, but it still hurt. After you handed the dress back, you left the store without buying anything.


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