Preference: You're younger than he is

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Dan: By fours years, and you often forgot. Technically, you were still a teenager. But you were reminded of that when you had traveled to America with Dan for Playlist. The two of you, as well as some friends, had gone out to dinner after meet ups had ended. Everyone was studying the menu and discussing what type of drinks they were getting. One of them asked you what you were thinking of getting. “Oh, maybe— oh wait, I can’t,” you stated as you realized what country you were in. Luckily, Dan had offered to share his drink with you.

Phil: By six years, and your mother hated it. You had only recently told her about your relationship, despite it going on for a few months now. “How old did you say he was again?” she asked, trying to make conversation as you were driving. “Twenty-eight,” you stated simply, not taking your eyes off of the road. “That’s a bit of an age gap, don’t you think?” “Dad’s ten years older than you are,” you pointed out. “That’s different,” your mother countered. You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Of course it is.”

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