Preference: Vidcon

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Dan: You were definitely the newbie here. Sure, you had talked to some Youtubers before, but due to where you lived, you had never actually met any of them. Throughout the afternoon, you had been chatting with Dan and a few others. But, Dan had announced that he had to leave as he had plans to go get dinner. Before he turned to leave, he asked, “did you want to come get an early dinner with us?” At this point, Dan was the person you had spoken to the most at Vidcon, so you accepted his invitation, knowing that if you didn’t, you would probably just go back to your hotel room and order room service for yourself. At the end of the night, you were glad you did it. Dinner was delicious and fun, and you got to meet new people. Once dinner was over, you and Dan decided to hang out some more by heading over to Disneyland for the last couple of hours they were open. You’d be lying to yourself if you said that you weren’t falling for him.

Phil: “What if no one comes to see me?” you asked. “Trust me. There’s people here who want to meet you.” Phil checked the time. “I need to get ready to go on stage, text me when you’re done, okay? If it gets too crazy, don’t be afraid to say you need to leave.” Phil hugged you and kissed your forehead and noticed the worry in your eyes. “You’ll do fine, I promise,” he smiled as he walked toward the main stage. Ten minutes later, you walked into the area where your meet up was scheduled. You really didn’t think anyone would show, but you were greeted with about two hundred people screaming for you. You were a little shocked, but happily surprised. Luckily, everyone was extremely nice, and not everyone had asked about Phil like you had expected. Once you were done about two hours later, you texted Phil, it was great! there must have been 200 people there!! thanks for convincing me to do this :)

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