Preference: You come out to him as a friend

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Dan: You were scrolling through online quizzes and found one that was called “Can we guess your sexuality in five questions?” You clicked on it just for the hell of it. You had recently been questioning your sexuality, and were curious as to what this quiz was going to say. Once you were finished with answering the questions, you hit submit. You honestly weren’t very surprised by the answer, as it said that you were bi. “What’s going on over there?” Dan asked as he noticed the contemplative faces you were making. “Well, I’ve done some thinking recently, and I think… I think I might be bi,” you replied. “Oh really?” “Yeah. I’m not positive. But I think it’s a possibility.” “Hmm. Alright. I’m assuming that there’s someone who is making you question this?” You nodded. “There’s this girl in my class and I can’t figure out if I like her because she’s cool and friendly, or because I can see myself with her.” “Ask her out. See how it goes,” he suggested.

Phil: You were nervous— not because of what he would say, you knew he wouldn’t even mind— but, because Phil was the first person you were going to tell. No one else knew, not even your parents. You had gone over the scenario in your head multiple times with you telling him differently each time. But, the time had finally come. You had asked Phil if he had wanted to catch a movie and then get some dinner afterwards. He accepted, and you were currently waiting for your meal at a restaurant. Once the conversation lulled, you spoke up. “Could I tell you something?” you asked. You were hoping he couldn’t see that you were shaking slightly. “Sure.” You took a deep breath. Here it goes. “So, I haven’t told anyone else this, but, um… I’m dating a girl… I’m gay.” You were kind of thankful that Phil’s facial expression didn’t even change. “That’s fine. When will I get to meet her? I’ve gotta give the best friend stamp of approval, you know,” he laughed.

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