Chapter 6

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"Wait you told ed?...oh so this is what he meant..."Kevin said his voice trailing off towards the end. Edds lips turned up slightly"why wouldn't I tell him, there my best friends?"he questioned

"Eddy knows too?"


"Why would you tell him I mean I can understand ed but not the other jackass..."

"Says the guy who belittled ,humiliated,and beat me"edd stared at the little black book he threw at the wall and cringed at how he treated it ,Kevin caught this and followed his eyes to the book.
"I'm sorry gonna read this"he said picking up the book


"Listen I get it your pissed off and probably just want me out of your space but I have a lot of explain"

"You never joined in ...until today day ,sure you were bad when we were kids but...b but why...what did I do...what did you want with me ...???"edd spoke quietly and keep his voice as straight as he could but it was hard and towards the end the tears threaten to break through

"Edd I ,I wasn't your fault!"

"Why then?"

"I , I umm uh I "

"Speak now or forever hold your peace"

"First off we ain't at a wedding and second this is hard to say let me figure out my words"

"We're not "


"Grammar Kevin "

Kevin rolled his eyes this conversation was going nowhere edd was hiding and Kevin was stuttering. Come kev you got this man he thought to himself ,he took a deep breath

"Fine fine whatever ..." He held up the book "are gonna read this?"
Edd shrugged "what is it?"

"Something stupid"

"Ok so then why should I read it ?"

"I don't know .............if your not gonna read it then I will...okay?"


Kevin flipped to the first page and began to read out loud.

"Dear edd
I'm sorry I fucked up...REALLY BAD.
I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to actually
Tell you why I did what I did or answer any of the questions
That you had...I'm not great with words ,anyway ...
You didn't deserve it I mean I shouldn't have ...hurt you
And I really did try to go easy on you but you looked like you were in a lot of pain anyway so I guess to you it doesn't matter...
This next part is gonna be tricky so just bare with me here
I promise it's worth it, the reason I did what I did is because I like you"

Kevin stopped reading for a Minute just to look at the sock heads face now wearing wide eyes and a dropped jaw he looked complete caught of Guard, but the emotion behind it wasn't clear so he continued

"I like the smart way you talk and how you always willing to help out people,I don't know how you put up with eddy but its amazing none the less,the way your mind works and your consent smile .your gap in your teeth and the sock on your head I like it all, and I know I fucked up I know that and the reason why I did what I did is much worse but I like you edd and I am so so sorry..."

At this point there were tears in the small boys eyes ,he tugged on his hat and bit down on his lip staring at the ceiling, Kevin continued

"The guys on my team caught me looking at you and too prove that I wasn't like that they said to beat you up, I just panicked if my dad found out or the team I don't think I could've handled it and I'm so sorry I was a jackass when we were young and I thought that you would just get over it but I sorta knew you wouldn't ,and I should a stepped in and stopped it long ago
Listen edd I get it if you don't forgive me ,hate me or whatever but I just thought you should know how I felt and I'm sorry
I can't say that enough I'm so sorry edd -Kevin"


"Nazz helped"

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