Chapter 20

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"Hey D you okay?" Asked Ed waving a hand a few inches from Edd's face "you seem a little spaced out!"

"Yes just thinking Ed " Edd answered politely well tugging at his sleeves

"Aww sockhead he deserved it, don't feel so bad!!!" Eddy piped up from his spot on the cot.

"I wasn't thinking about that" he muttered quietly jumping off the cot, Eddy shot Ed another look and Ed mouthed the words 'we deal with this later' back to him. Edd shook his head "it's nothing really!"

"Okay..." The three were silent once more. From outside the room the shrill screech of the bell could be heard followed by the sounds of footsteps and a thousand different conversations. Ed stood from his spot on the ground.

"How's your leg?"

"It hurts like hell" Eddy smirked

"Do you think your going to be able to walk?"

"Of course I'll be fine to walk monobrow!" Eddy swung his legs over the side of he cot wincing as he did so. He stood with a look of discomfort before falling back and muttering a string of profanities. "Never mind it's a no!"

Ed rolled his eyes "...Edd you got anything?" He asked turning to the smaller male who thought for a minute.

"I could probably make somewhat of a makeshift wheelchair!" Ed grinned

"That's great I think the shop rooms still unlocked!"

"If not I have keys" Edd responded showing off the few pieces of metal

"How'd you get those?"

Edd's lips twitched upward into a smirk before turning and walking away.

Eddy blinked a few times "seriously how'd he get those?" Ed shrugged. Double D returned minutes later with an old office chair with handles and a footrest built on.

"You never stop amazing me sockhead!" Eddy shifted slightly as Ed helped move him onto the chair. After a short walk Through the main hallway of the school full of banging into walls and swearing ( mostly from Eddy ) the three boys made it outside.The walk to the culd-a-sac was longer than usually due to Eddy's condition

"What no rocket boosters or something sockhead, your quality has really gone down since the old days!!!" Eddy joked as Ed pushed him along side Edd. Double D rolled his eyes at the comment catching a certain redheads house in his view point he let a smile tug at his lips.

Eddy shot the tallest of the group a look noting Edd's behaviour and the three continued on in silence. Reaching Edd's house they entered knowing no one would be home to scold them for skipping class. Eddy got comfortable on the couch as Ed sat beside him and Edd went to get water.

Edd returned to the room with three bottles in stow, Eddy scratched the side of his face reaching out to grab the bottle "so...why were you looking at shovel-chins house?" He asked causally.

"W what!?" Edd sputtered

Eddy smirked "calm down sockhead, only asking!"

"Oh ...well he ran out so quickly I was just wondering where he went!" Edd nodded proud of his answer

"Oh...okay ...I thought he said he had practice though" eddy mumbled slouching down on he couch. Snapping his fingers he shot up again "I think he likes you D!"

"WHAT!" Edd spat out his water. As he dabbed at his chin with a sleeve he quickly tryed to regain composure "that's Preposterous! Kevin likes Nazz!" He half lied, Kevin had confessed to Edd his feelings and even with his new found friendship with the boy ...he didn't know if the red head was being fully truthfully.

"well he's been acting all weird lately, all protective of you and what not" Eddy's made a face before laughing "oh shovel chins in love with the egg head THIS IS TOO GOOD!!!" Ed slapped his arm cutting his laughter short as the sock wearing boy pulled his hat down over his face trying to hide.

"Double D do you like him?" Ed asked raising his head slightly. Edd's face went red his hat however kept his friends from noticing "no of course not!" He replied trying to keep his shaky voice calm and smooth.

Eddy's face once again contorted before he laughed "Listen sockhead I may not be as smart as you but you've seemed kinda spaced out recently...ever since Kevin started hanging out with us, and I will admit I'm not the guys number one fan...however I don't hate much as I did."Edd haft smiled knowing what Eddy was trying to say "aww sockhead quit hiding will yea!"

"Besides you two would look nice together!" Ed piped up quietly drawing a heart in the air. Edd sighed here were two reasons for him being spaced out, his feelings for Kevin being one. He pulled his hat upward once more reviling his face.

"He just creeps into my mind at the strangest of times, I don't really know how to feel about him. I hate the side of him that he shows the world, but he can care and when he does it makes me happy...I've never really liked girls and no guys before have ever interested me...but he's like some kind of code that I just don't understand...and I want to know more." He fiddled with his thumbs as he spoke. Ed and Eddy shared a knowing look before Eddy opened his mouth

"Well then I have the perfect scam-I mean plan to get you two ...together!" Ed placed a hand on Eddy's shoulder stopping the boys scheming Immediately.

"No Eddy...Just No! Edd just go talk to him. Kevin's a good guy he's made a few mistakes but a good guy nonetheless he'd understand Edd!"

Eddy and Ed both gave him supportive looks before Eddy piped up again "and if he hurts you we will kick his Ass!"

Edd gave his friends a large smile holding back tears of joy. There approval really did mean the everything to him. His happy tears were cut short however by Ed's loud voice hollering "DOG PILE!!!" And soon both him and Eddy were trapped under his strong friendly embrace.

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