Chapter 5

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Edd threw the small book against the wall and fell on to his bed stomach first sobbing into his pillows "fuck you Kevin ..." He was shaking now "...fuck you"
He moved from the bed onto the floor in Search of his little black box he opened the latch and begun to pull out the items within ,a picture of him and his parents from the last time he saw them (three years ago) some papers with words and broken sentences written so only he could understand ,some disinfectant ,and three small razor blades.

Kevin just stood at the front door staring up the stairs and into the hallway "I should probably go"he said as he began up the stairs following a trail of sticky notes and the sounds of one boys muffled sobs. He stopped in the hallway outside of edds room and took a few of the notes off the wall

"Dear eddward
We well be out for the next month
Keep the house clean and be good
We well be back soon
:mother and father"

We have been called out on business
We well be back in a couple weeks
Don't let your grades slip up again
Please focus in class
:mother ,father"

Sorry but we unfortunately can't
Come home for your birthday this year
Moneys on the table NO JUNKFOOD!!!

Each letter was cold no "I love you eddward" or " I'm so proud of you " just a series's of abandonment written on yellow papers. Without thinking Kevin angrily crumpled the paper and threw behind him. He slowly opened the door to edds room

Edd sat on the floor taking one of the razors in his hands ,he push up his long sleeves and started cutting with each cut going deeper so far there were nine.suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder
"Double d?...shit your bleeding here one sec-"
"Unhand me"edd interrupted holding up his hands ,which is when Kevin saw the small metal object
"Did you do that...?"edd was Silent for a moment before nodding his head the small boy started to cry again
"It helps "he let out in barely a whisper well Kevin picked edd of the floor and sat him down on the bed.he grabbed a tissue off edds desk and pressed it light to edds skin
"edd are you ...ok?"Kevin knew it was a stupid question but he couldn't think of anything else to say ,after a few minutes edd let out a hollow laugh
"Do I look like I am ok?"
"Well then there's your answer" the small boy shifted his weight taking a deep breath before pulling his arm away from Kevin
"...when did this start"
"...years ago...I'm fine really I'm fine you should go now!!!" Edd pushed on Kevin's chest with as much force as he could muster but Kevin barely moved his face twisted as if he was in deep thought"please leave" edd stated tugging on his beanie .


"Why not"

"I may not be as smart as you but I can see clearly that you should not be left alone right now"

"Then call ed"the boy stated coldly"he knows"

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