Salutations once again

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I don't know why but I mixed up the last chapter and the little note thingy explaining that the story was in fact done....I really hope that no one was too confused by this.

Anyway I figured while I'm typing this I should fill you in on some stuff. Okay so right now I'm working on some nico related Percy Jackson fanfiction as well as gravity falls, teen titans and South Park. If your interested in more kevedd stuff fear not for I have many things planned. For starters I'm rewriting a one shot I wrote a while back and making it into a longer story, the first five chapters are up so feel free to check that out. I'm also working on another story similar to this one, what can I say I love writing angst :). I don't really like how this story ended so I hope my next one is better....but we will see.  Anyway that's all I will say for now, hope your having a great day and once again thank you for reading!!

Sincerely: KG.

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