Chapter 4

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"Kevin?"edd asked quietly ,he didn't freak out and try to slam the door in Kevin's face which made Kevin calm and nervous at the same time
"Hi edd"
"What do you want "edd asked nervously
"We'll uh I umm Sorry ,I am sorry"Kevin's voice begin to trail off as he stared at edds feet,edd remained quiet for a moment or two before speaking.
"No your not"edd said under his breath
"Your not sorry"
Edd grabbed Kevin's face and looked into his eyes forcing Kevin to look into his, Kevin remained silent not knowing what to do with his hands so he shoved them into his pocket. After a minute edd pulled away
"You ,tormented me and your friends ...for years!!!...I don't know what I did to you but it must have been horrible and for that I Apologize ,but you ....I can't even begin to explain how much pain I'm in and I tolerate it all " edd said choking back tears "I don't believe your sorry...but I'm ok I'm fine ...I forgive you"

"Dude uh edd if your mad at me get mad I deserve it I have put you threw some shit and I really am sorry I get it if you hate me or if you don't trust me but I really am sorry"Kevin looked at edd the small boy now sobbing into his sleeve
Not knowing what else to do he wrapped his arms around him holding tightly.
To Kevin holding edd felt right he wanted to carry him upstairs and wipe away every tear until edd wore his normal gapped tooth smile.

"It's ok edd cry I don't mind it's ok I'm sorry"

After a few more minutes the crying stopped "please please please tell me this isn't just some sick joke"he whispered into Kevin shoulder not aware if he could hear it

"It's not i promise"Kevin shot edd a smile and edd let him into the house
"Shoes off please"said a small weak voice and Kevin did what he was told setting his shoes down on a mat by the door. He looked around ,this was defiantly edds house.Not a single thing out of place or a speck of dust to be found and little yellow sticky notes were everywhere althought in the dim light of the house he couldn't make out what they said.
"Impressive"Kevin thought out loud
Edd nervously tugged on his sleeves "can I get you something to drink?"
"Uh ...ya water sounds good"
Edd nodded and wiped at his eyes as he walked slowly to the kichen
Kevin allowed himself to fall on the couch staring at the ceiling wondering how he was gonna make it up to edd. How was he gonna tell him the truth behind his actions. "I hope he understands"Kevin muttered while bringing himself into a sitting position. Edd walked back into the room focusing on the two glasses of water in his hands giving everything he had to keep him from crying again.
"Here" edd said holding out the glass refusing to make eye contact with the bully .
"Thanks...double d I really am sorry"
"Why now?"
"Well..." Edd was starting to get angry again and Kevin wasn't surprised ,he inhaled deeply"I was embarrassed and I blamed you ...I I I took it out on you edd I just-"
"That's not what I asked."edd cut him off his voice shaking with each new word
Kevin stared at him with a blank expression"oh"
Kevin had never really seen edd angry so he was very unsure of the Situation
"Doesn't matter, just continue with your thought...sorry for interrupting "
Why was edd Apologizing he wasn't the one in the wrong ,Kevin thought to himself "your sorry???"
There was a moment of silence that passed between the two finally edd spoke
"Please finish your thought"edd stared at Kevin who sat there for a moment before he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small note book with a black cover"I know I can't make it up to you and I knew somehow I'd mess this up" and with that he handed the book over to edd who took it cautiously "read it when I'm gone Kay dork...edd"edd nodded and looked at Kevin who was making his way to the door before he could open it he felt a breeze whip past him as edd ran up the stairs only to hear a slam of a door ten seconds later.

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