Chapter 22

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Edd had his friends support in this decision which calmed him down some , but he couldn't stop the butterfly's that began to form when he thought of speaking with the redhead. More importantly what he was going to say?

He was Immediately hit by the cold air as he stepped out the door. Shoving his hands in his pockets he began his short journey across the street. When he knocked on the door he was greeted with a tall Intimidating figure in an old tee-shirt and jeans.

"What can I do for ya?" The tall man spoke with a smirk that resembled Kevin's very own.

"Uh... I was wondering if I could talk to Kevin"

"Ahh yea he's been up in his room acting all lovey dovey over some girl, some friends came over to talk with him or something ...I'll go get him for ya" the tall man turned slightly into the house before yelling Kevin's name "KEVIN YOU GOT COMPANY!" He was met with silence for a while before a few thuds for upstairs were heard followed by "IF ITS NAZZ TELL HER TO LEAVE!!!"

The man who Edd had determined was Kevin's father turned back to him motioning for him to enter the house "up the stairs two doors on the right" he muttered before returning to what ever sporting event he was watching on tv.

Edd nodded to the man before starting up the stairs catching the countless pictures of Kevin throughout the halls. All of him were sports related none of them contained his mother. As he walked the nervous feeling in him began to get to him.

'His father had spoke of a girl ,what if...oh god no!'

Edd approached the door still even with his mounting suspicions and knocked gently holding in a breath. "Uh...Kevin could we...maybe talk?" Edd spoke quietly but still loud enough that he could be heard, the door swung open almost immediately. "You wanna go for a walk or chill here?" Kevin asked with a grin leaning against the door frame although Edd would have sworn on his life that the smile he wore was so big it was hurting him a little.

Edd began to panic what if in the two weeks Edd had been figuring out his feelings, Kevin had moved on maybe this was all just a mistake?

"Hey Edd you still here ? you got a little spaced out." Kevin waved his hand in front of Edd's face a few times well Edd blinked quickly. Kevin shot Edd another smile and stepped out of his room closing the door behind him "I know you hate mess so lets walk my room looks like a flipping war zone right now." Edd nodded and the two walked down the stairs and out of the house "aren't you going to tell your father were your going?" Kevin shrugged keeping his face forward "he won't mind."


"So what did you want to talk about?" Kevin turned his head to Edd and slowed his walking. Edd on the other hand froze up and looked back at the ground.

"I don't know just how to put it...but I ..I might...well I um.."

Kevin stopped "everything okay?" Edd looked up catching Kevin's bright green eyes and locking onto them. Edd's blue eyes seemed to be full of electricity as he eyed kevin "why are you so...perfect?" Kevin raised his eyebrow in question before feeling Edd's soft lips against his own. The kiss was barely a second long before Edd broke it wrapping his thin arms tightly around the red heads waist

"Please please dont let me go!" He whispered into Kevin's chest. Kevin recovered from the shock of Edd's actions he smiled "never Edd" he responded quietly tightening his own grip on Edd "you can't leave me either kay?" Edd nodded still clinging to the red head, Edd was terrified of the words he wanted to say.

The words were simple and yet he never really had to say them before. He had thought about love before but in his thoughts it was never this Terrifying. Giving your heart to someone and trusting them not to break , it was scary but for once Edd felt as though the fear was worth it. The voice of his insecurities didn't speak up now telling him to change there was only kevin something double D was completely fine with. Except for one question which needed to be asked.

"Kevin you me right? I didn't just-"

"Yea I still like you"

"Edd?" Kevin asked drawing Edd's attention away from his thoughts. "Why now?"

Edd smiled "I figured everything out" Edd gave Kevin a small smile before resting his head back on the red heads chest once more "Kevin...I I love you" he whispered quietly so that Kevin wouldn't hear. He didn't know if he would ever really be able to say the three words properly so for now holding Kevin close would have to be good enough. And for Kevin currently this was enough, this was perfect.

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