Chapter 21

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Eddy had gone outside for a smoke leaving Ed and Edd alone to talk. This habit of Eddy's tended to make Edd feel ill so he kindly did it out of sight of the beanie wearing boy. The process of getting him outside was almost laughable with his leg the way it was and the chair bashing into everything but somehow they had managed.

Ed and Edd still sat on the couch however their conversation seemed to have slowed to a stop.

"Hey D?" Ed asked breaking the silence

"Yea Ed?" Edd answered while adjusting the beanie on his head, a few peices of hair to fell across his forehead and settled there like bangs.

"Hows it going?" Ed sat up slightly, straightening his posture as a sign of seriousness.

"I'm...uh I don't really know...may I confess something to you?" Edd bit his lip as thoughts of his doppelgänger ran Through his head. He thought it over a bit in the end deciding this was something he really needed to get off his chest.

"Of coarse D thats what I'm here for!!!" Giving Edd a supportive smile Ed moved a little closer and crossed his legs. Holding a hand to his chin he moved his eyebrow up slightly "okay now boy tell me what is on your mind? do you feel?"

Edd smiled, He pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged them tightly like a child would do when they were afraid of a storm and the thunder outside.

"Im scared Ed"

"Of what?"

"Myself." Edd muttered quietly

Ed frowned "why"

"I just...I dont want to hurt myself anymore!"

"You haven't been-" "no" " good"

"I dont want to feel like this any more, like I deserve it all or that I need to cause harm to myself ...I think I'm driving myself insane!!!"

Ed nodded speaking slowly " entire life people have called me stupid and insane and...well my point is when your told something enough times you have two options. You can believe it, or you can embrace it! I know they sound the same but it's not! You can believe that everyone's right, that your some kind of failure or a freak or something and live in self-pity and be sad...or there's option number 2 you can puff up your chest and proudly state that yea your weird and messed up, but you got good qualities too and your fucking amazing and everyone can say whatever the fuck they want because you don't fucking care!!!" Ed smiled "your gonna do great things one day, you'll be okay, your like a brother to me dude. I love you like family"

Edd smiled, though Ed had told him this many times before it was nice to truely now that some one cared! "I see myself in the mirror but I dont like that person that looks back at me ...I dont want to become that!"

"Then don't, its up to you just who you are"

"What about kevin...?"

"What about him, if he cares about you he'll be there for you and if not then oh well you move on!" Ed smiled before standing and walking up the stairs towards Edd's room

"Ed where are you going?" Edd called after him. The gentle giant returned in less then a minute holding Edd's little black box in his hands and answering his question.

"I'm taking this" Edd nodded knowing what that meant. "If you feel like you wanna hurt yourself snap an elastic around your wrist or call more of this okay?"

Edd nodded "I promise!"

"I know Edd now all you have to do is keep it!"

Ed grinned "well I think I'm going to take Eddy home make sure he doesn't kill himself ya good here?"

Edd smiled back "yea I think I'm better!"

"Good good, see ya D... Oh and good luck with your boy toy!" Ed wiggled his eyebrow suggestively and Edd's face became a bright shade of red


"Sorry D, couldn't resist!" The giant laughed and headed out the door

"So he's like good right?" Asked eddy from his chair, smoke still in his hand but on its last life.

"Yea but I think we got somewhere we need to be."


Ed pointed to the destination. Eddy nodded and allowed Ed to push him in the direction of a certain red heads house.

"Ya know eddy I always knew someday I'd be pushing you around and taking care of you, I just assumed you'd be old and gross first."

"Go suck an egg Monobrow!!!"

"Hey keep in mind I'm the one pushing right?"

The trip barely lasted a minute before they were at his front steps.

Eddy and Ed stood at Kevin's door step, knocking somewhat impatiently on the door. A few groans could be heard from the other side as well as some inaudible shouts. The red head eventually made his way to the door semi-shocked to find the giant and his shorter friend on his doorstep.

"What do you dorks want?" He questioned with his eyebrows raised. The tone he used was tried and groggy and yet still held a friendly tone.

"Edd's got some stuff to tell you I suggest you listen to me your going to like what he has to say" said Eddy with arms crossed and a smirk lazily cast across his face.

Ed smiled a knowing smile and nodded.

Eddy once again spoke "oh and if you hurt him...I will destroy you!" He brought his fingers across this throat in a
cartoon-y fashion that the red head almost laughed at.

Kevin looked at the two, truly confused at what they were saying but before he could even ask what any of this was about, the two turned and left leaving Kevin alone with his thoughts and shaking his head.

What the hell!?

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