Izumi and Infiltration

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Izumi's POV

I hovered just behind Tenzo Sensei as he placed a hand to the rock barrier just in front of us, "Just like I thought," The brown-haired man muttered turning back to us, "Seems their hideout is surrounded by rock."

I gave a curt nod as Naruto quickly spoke up, "That's nothing I'll just bust it open with my Rasengan!"

My eyes blinked several times in quick succession before I lightly smacked the back of the blond's head, "Idiot, do you want this entire place to come down on our heads!" He rubbed his head as he sweat ever so slightly at my remark, "Not to mention... Have you even heard the word infiltration?" I shouted as softly as I could manage, "You do that and any stealth we might have goes out the window."

"She's right, Naruto." Sakura agreed as she made an explanation of her own, "If you go and use a flashy jutsu like that they'll figure us out in no time."

"Right." Our captain had turned back toward the rocky wall smoothing his hand along it carefully, "Infiltration always required silence..."

"Then how do we...?" Naruto wondered aloud.

"Ah, here." Yamato responded finding a small crack in the solid stone earning a quizzical look from my comrades and me, "It's for this kind of hard rock in particular that if you apply just a little force to a small crack..." He maneuvered his wood style around the split in the rock achieving little at first before a light sound echoed through the cavern as the rock started to crackle before us and a hole crumbled into the rock revealing a large passageway, "See? Just like I said.

"Well, at least we've succeeded with the infiltration part..." Sakura mumbled as the lot of us maneuvered through the opening.

"We'll look for Sai first..." Captain Yamato explained quickly as he steadied himself on the other side before closing his eyes naturally and searched for the dark-haired boy, "This way!" we moved ourselves to a bend in the hideout with Yamato at the front as he gave a quick glance around the corner, "All clear... Let's move...!" The man said in a hushed voice as we headed out as silently as we could, "Well, would you look who we have here?" Our captain muttered almost ominously as he creaked open a door peeking inside.

Sai stared at us a short moment eyes widened ever so slightly as we filed into the room, "The Hokage-controlled Anbu," He replied giving a forced smile, "Impressive as always to think that fake corpse didn't fool you..."

I took a wary step back as Naruto bolted for the boy before us, "You," He shouted as he grabbed hold to the front of Sai's shirt, "Why did you betray us?"

The first boy gave little response not even bothering to break away from Naruto's hold on his clothes, "You shouldn't make too much noise here." He mentioned calmly with a neutral face, "It'll mean trouble."

"Why you....?!?" Naruto's face twisted angrily as he shouted again.

"Naruto!" Sakura caught in harshly with a hard pat on the blond's shoulder earning a huff from the boy as he paced away heatedly, "Here we found this." The pink-haired girl held the picture book out to Sai, "It's yours I believe."

The boy said nothing at first his face not moving an inch before he reached out taking the book from her, "Thank you..."

"You're here under Danzo's orders, right? Sakura asked the boy directly, "Danzo's planning something with Orochimaru, and you were chosen as a go-between." There was a short pause, "... What is it he's up to...?"

The boy in question didn't answer for a moment as though thinking, "He's plotting the destruction of the Hidden Leaf Village. Part two... Right?" I flinched staring at the boy curiously. There's no way that was the truth, right? "No... Actually..."

"We already know your smiles are fake!" Naruto cried enraged once more, "And the same goes for the lies you force through them!"

I swallowed focusing my eyes on Sai, "My mission ended in failure the moment you found me." Somehow his usual calm demeanor was off-putting given the current situation, "And I can't very well take care of the four of you myself, so... Since you know so much ... There isn't any reason to hide things anymore." He explained as we stood silently listening to his statement, "Just as you would put it. We are going to destroy the Leaf Village as it exists today."

Something doesn't feel right here... I clenched my jaw as I started to bounce uncertainly between my feet, Regardless... He shouldn't have revealed himself so quickly, right?

"Why you...!"

"In order to destroy the Leaf Village, I was to gain Orochimaru's trust." Sai continued wielding his fake smile once more, "Thus giving us a chance to ally with him. That was my mission."

The room fell silent as Captain Yamato drew a kunai knife out in front of himself, "Keep talking." The man insisted, "Tell us everything you know."

"You..." Naruto had calmed down a tad as we listened to Sai's story, "Do you even realize what it is you're saying?!? What it means...?"

"That's not everything..."

Hello folks! I managed to update on time this month (What a feat am I right?) I might post another chapter soon because, between me and you, I'm feeling mighty adventurous at the moment. Until next time

-- Amy

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now