Izumi and Tenchi Bridge

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Izumi's POV

We were finally at the Tenchi bridge and the three of us were hidden behind a cluster of rocks as Tenzo Sensei approached the center of the bridge where the spy was slowing walking, Good luck...

The spy was entirely cloaked hiding the entirety of their face, "It's been a long time, Lord Sasori." I flinched and my eyes widened ever so slightly at the voice from beneath the cloak. Surely, there was no way, right? They tugged away their hood ever so slightly revealing a familiar face underneath, "It has been five years." There was no doubt about it that face belonged to Kabuto Yakushi.

"Were you followed?" Yamato asked in his creaky Sasori voice.

"No, it's safe." Kabuto confirmed.

"How are you?"

"When your jutsu lifted, and I remembered who I really was, I felt somewhat disoriented... I am still somewhat heavy-headed." The silver-haired man admitted.

"Him again!!!" Naruto snarled as Sakura made a similar remark.

"Shut it, you two!" I said in a hushed whisper as I placed a finger to my lips, "Do you want us to be discovered?!? It's hard enough to hear from this position as it is..." they only nodded and returned to attention.

I had missed a bit, but it seemed like I cued in just in time, "Tell me about the location of your base and of Sasuke Uchiha..." Tenzo Sensei pressed the spy.

Kabuto fell silent a moment as though debating whether or not he should tell the truth of the situation, "We have many bases," He answered finally, "To keep from being discovered, we change bases on a weekly basis. There are, of course, bases in countries besides the sound. Orochimaru's spies enter those countries and guide us in. But we have various movement methods, which can be cumbersome... Our current base is hidden on a small island in a lake to the north. We will move from there in three days. Sasuke Uchiha is there." It seemed like he was about to say more when something caught his attention. My chest squeezed tightly as I hoped my ever-beating heart hadn't screwed the entirety of our mission. Much to my relief a rabbit hopped from the brush into view, "What... Just a wild rabbit..." Kabuto sighed almost in surprise, "By the way Lord Sasori, about that one task that you asked of me... Even after his transmigration Orochimaru cast a cellular jutsu on the specimen of the leftover corpse in order to protect it... I was unable to perform any data analysis of the specimen."

"I see..."

"On that note..." Kabuto spoke again, "Please, give me the item we talked about. I can't stay here much longer... If it's found out that I'm meeting with you here like this... I'll be killed..."

"Very well..."

This can't be good... I thought biting my lip lightly as Tenzo Sensei pulled out a kunai earning a more than shocked look from Kabuto.

However, it seemed that may not have been where that his shock originated, "Your conversation seems quite amusing you wouldn't mind if I joined in, would you?" Orochimaru was leaned up against Kabuto a large snake wrapping around the both of them.

I saw my comrades make their comments while I glowered at the man. I had hoped I could avoid seeing him for at least a little longer.

"I almost wasn't able to step back in time, but thanks to you taking out your kunai, Lord Sasori, I was."

The snake disappeared as Orochimaru started to speak once again, "That cloak of yours... It brings back memories... Sasori.

"So, you followed Kabuto here then?"

"What now...?" the black-haired man mocked as he held his usual smirk, "I just wanted to give you some thanks. That lovely boy there you sent me..." Even now the sound of just his voice sent shivers down my spine, "I was able to make quite good use of him, In order for me to develop a new jutsu I needed to conduct experiments on well over a hundred live human subjects... Thanks to that boy's medical ninjutsu I was able to use the same test subject any number of times. I have quite a hard time coming across, enough subjects after all.

My body started to shake, but now it wasn't because of that horrid man. It was something else... My eyes turned to Kabuto and I saw it. He was lying. This entire time.... Was what he told us even true? I don't know how I saw it, but I did none the less. I saw the chakra envelop his hands.

"Sorry, no can do..." I regained my cool as I blocked him from attacking our captain. My katana broke and without a doubt our cover was blown, but at this point I suppose that didn't matter, "It's up sensei... I know I screwed this one up, but I just couldn't leave all alone, could I?"

Welp, that's two chapters this week! Hopefully there'll be two chapters next week so I can finally catch up chapter wise. No promises on any specific days at this point, but the weather is supposed to be more bearable next week. It was super awful again this week hence why this chapter didn't get finished until now. Well, until next time!

-- Amy

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now