Izumi and the Pain

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Izumi's POV

The lot of us were heading toward Sai's location jumping from branch to branch. No one spoke as we hurried on with only the sound of the wind and our breathing accompanying us. Although I didn't dare show it after my tussle with the others and dealing with the nine-tails I was more than exhausted, and my body ached with its every movement. At this rate, I wasn't going to last very long...

"Augh..." I whimpered finally crumpling to the forest floor as my body gave its last burst of effort, "Dang..." My arm throbbed from where I'd come in contact with the nine-tails' chakra.

"Ah, Izumi!" Naruto cried stopping my head from hitting the hard ground, "What's wrong? Are you alright?!?"

"Nnnn..." I grit my teeth slowly taking Naruto's hand and giving it a tight squeeze, "I will be. Just me a minute." That chakra... How does Naruto handle it so well? I'm not sure how well we can heal it on the run like this... I finally took notice of the way the blond was looking at me, "This is nothing..." I referenced my wounded arm, "I just got myself all beat up dealing with Orochimaru. Lame, right? It doesn't hurt much, so don't worry too much." Captain Yamato gave me a look as I flashed a forced smile.

"Izumi..." Naruto gave a trouble expression as he squeezed my hand back, "You shouldn't put yourself in danger like that..."

"Hmm, what else is new?" I taunted with a smirk as I wearily found my feet once more, "We're in a hurry, right? Let's get a move on!"

"No." Yamato broke in still staring me down, "Let's take a short break, since all of us could use a rest."

Yamato's POV

"Whatever..." Izumi grumbled giving me a small glare as Sakura tried to aid in her wound, "I'm fine.

"Right." I replied curtly as I turned to the blond boy, "Naruto come with me a moment. We need to talk."

Izumi scoffed dryly, "Just have to butt in, don't you?"

"Don't move..." Sakura chided softly as she continued healing the blue-haired girl.

"Gotcha!" Naruto was quick to follow after me as I started off, "Great, so what do you want to do first?"

"Before that there is something, I need to discuss with you," I replied once I sure we were out of earshot of the others. Naruto gave a curious look and my own face grew starkly serious, "Naruto, the one who hurt Izumi was you." He froze incapable of speak as blue eyes widened and his lips parted ever so slightly as though remembering something. I spoke again at his continued silence, "So the Tenchi bridge... The hallowed landscape... Izumi's wound. It was all you, Naruto." He was still in shock as I kept going, "She lied because she didn't want to hurt and well... I'm sure she was feeling a bit guilty herself given that she wasn't in much better a state not long ago." Izumi was sure to be angry if she knew all I was telling him, "That Kyuubi strength that you have... I have an ability that enables me to suppress, and given the right training Izumi too, so that's why you shouldn't worry too much; however, that's only when we're close to you." I explained giving the boy side-eyed glance, "In short, I didn't really have to you the truth right now or anything, but the reason I did tell you is..." He continued to stare at me silently as I finally gave my reasoning, "That if you did use that strength... You might have a faster chance of rescuing Sasuke, but relying on the strength of the Kyuubi... That isn't your strength, Naruto. And so, if you continue to rely on that strength not only will you hurt yourself, but also the people you care about... You should have realized that by now." He looked down guilt washing away confusion that had once been there, "The reason you didn't try to stop releasing that power... It's because you got impatient, right?" I asked not even giving him time to respond, "From now on, I'm going to suppress the nine-tails completely; however, if you think that will make you weaker, then you are greatly mistaken." The boy finally looked back up at me almost in shock, "You are strong enough without relying on that? Are you sure you aren't mistaken about that?"

Just a shortie this time to ease myself in. Sorry, once again that it's been so long since I've updated. I think I have a schedule figured out in my head that should hopefully work out, so if it does updates shouldn't be ya know months apart now... Well, despite this long break I hope you all are doing well and until next time!

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now