Izumi and the Untold

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Yamato's POV

"Huh? I gasped out as Naruto gave a shocked expression and Izumi just shook her head as though she could've predicted the who thing.

Sai rubbed the growing bruise on his face as he recoiled from the girl's attack, "On the other hand... Me, you don't have to forgive." Sakura informed the dark-haired boy darkly.

"You fooled me completely..." Sai remarked his face returning to its normal state, "That fake laugh before..."

"Since you don't seem to know anything about Sasuke... Don't talk about things you have no understanding of." Sakura explained as the rest of us stood back in a stunned stupor, "If you bad-mouth Sasuke one more time... I won't hold back...

"Hehe... Gotcha..." Sai chuckled dryly as he found his feet once more, "I won't say anything in front of you... But that use of a fake smile... I'll remember that..."

"You've just been hit!" Naruto shouted glaring at the boy opposite him, "Why're you acting so cheerfully?!?"

"A smile's the best way to get out of trouble." The second boy explained trying to sound wise, "Even if it's fake. Amazingly... It fools everyone... I read that in a book before. It doesn't look like it works here though." Naruto and Sakura fell silent as Izumi stuffed her hands in her pockets and started to gaze at the clouds.

I placed my hands together focusing my chakra, Four pillar prison! A massive wood structure sprang from the ground engulfing my three bickering comrades, "If you guys don't stop arguing, I'll have to toss you in a cage.... I said we don't have time before we go to the Tenchi bridge, but there's five days." I groaned as the three in the cage remained silent, "As the mediator here, Here's my position. You can spend all day in the cage to work out your differences... Or we can go to a hotel that has a hot springs. What'll it be?" Izumi let out a deep breath as she looked at the three, "You guys don't really know me well either..." I pushed my face through the cage's bars trying to intimidate them a bit, "I like being nice and friendly, but... I don't have any problems with ruling by fear either..."

"Oh, cool it!" The blue-haired girl scolded me giving my shoulder a light push, "They'll work it out. I know they will." Her eyes were illuminated a pale purple as she stared into me, "Let's just get going, Sensei. Like you said before we don't have time for this." She gave the structure I light touch causing it to give a shudder before collapsing into dust as the others' feet, "I'm not as patient as I used to be you know..."

I swallowed as those eyes turned away from me and she started to walk away from the four of us. There was no putting it off any longer... When we return to the village the two of us would have talk about the past. One of the stories that Izumi needed to know about given her position. She really was the child... Damn it... I followed after her as the other three did the same.

Izumi's POV

Oh, dear Jeremy... Why am I naked...? I wrapped my chest hoping that as little of me was visible as was possible given my current position, I guess that is how hot springs work, but why did I agree to this...

"Don't go looking!!!" I heard Naruto's voice from the other side of the barrier, "Why're you always going on about penises!!!!"

I blinked in surprises as Sakura and I's faces flushed to a deep red, Going on about what now?!? The other women in the bath laughed as I placed both my hands over my face forgetting all about my attempts to cover myself. I really hate that boy sometimes...

. . .

"Mnn..." I stretched as I got up the next morning. With a glance out the window I saw Sai sitting to himself outside the inn.

Sakura and I soon joined him our curiosity getting the better of us, "Heey!" Sakura said as we came up behind the dark-haired boy, "Drawing a picture?

Sai stared at her a moment silently, "What is it?" He asked giving her a curious look.

Sakura was silent herself for a brief second before replying, "You're really vulgar, but you have a nice side too, right? Unexpected..." She smiled a bit.

"That fake smile..." He muttered giving a brief smile of his own, "Wasn't that hit before enough.

"... Well, not really..." Sakura smirked teasing the boy a bit, "Just kidding...! I just came to look at the picture... To see what it was." We both peered over his shoulder at the current piece. It was quite beautiful truly. Swirls of color dashed across the page brightly in great wisps, "I thought it must be a landscape since you're drawing it here... But it's abstract, right?"

"Man, I'm jealous..." I muttered softly as my eyes locked with the beauty of his work, "I draw on occasion, but compared to this I must seem pretty lame..." I laughed lightly as I met his eyes for the first time. He really does look a bit like Sasuke, huh...? "Anyway." My face fell a bit as my mood took a nosedive, "If you don't mind me asking... Could you show me some more sometime?"

"Maybe." He replied neutrally, "Only if you show me yours." I froze staring at his face he seemed to be smiling more than before and his face was hopeful. Was it possible that I was just imagining it...?

"This picture..." Sakura broke in again, "What's it called?" She inquired.


"Yeah." She confirmed looking up at him, "You haven't decided on a name yet?"

"No... It's not that..." Sai said seeming ambiguous once again, "I've drawn hundreds, maybe thousands of pictures so far... None of them have titles."

"Oh..." Sakura said seeming a bit mystified by his response, "But don't pictures usually have titles...?" She pressed on, "Like portraits have the person's name... Other pictures have the situation at the time, and the artist's feelings..."

"How should I put it...?" Sai started to work again, "To be even more precise even if I try to give them titles. I just can't do it." He gave a short pause as we started at him, "... They don't put me in mind of anything. I don't... Feel anything."

Well, someone must have a pretty dramatic backstory, Huh?

Yeah, sorry this chapter took so long... I have an extreme inability of getting things done when it's really hot or cold, but it's done now. I'll try to catch up soon and get back to some regular updates, but I am going out of town for a bit in a few weeks. It's just an extended weekended of sorts, but I'll be quite busy when I'm away since my family will be moving within the next 5-6 months and we'll have to look at some houses and whatever. Plus, we want to visit family and see some landmarks while we're out. I've never moved before, since we've been living in the same house before I was born, so I have no idea what to expect. Can someone give me some advice? I have no idea what I'm doing and it's going to be quite a big move, so best of luck with that I guess... Until next time!

-- Amy

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now