Izumi and the Chase

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Izumi's POV

Deidara leapt onto the creature that had taken Gaara into its mouth and two flew off into the sky.

"Wait the hell up!" Naruto screamed after them and sprinted after them and Kakashi Sensei made his goodbyes and followed after him

"Dang it..." I hissed under my breath reeling myself as I turned to Sakura and Granny Chiyo. What exactly was I supposed to do? "Those idiots..." I sent my hand into my pocket and pulled out a small seed, "Sakura." She turned to me questioningly, "Take this. If anything happens, I'll know about it as soon as it happens, but even so be careful." I took a glance at the only remaining akatsuki member.

. . .

"Don't go so far ahead!" I griped to my blond teammate as he continued after Deidara, "You're going to get yourself hurt!" just as I said this a clay bird came flying towards Naruto, "You see!" fortunately it was easily stopped by a well timed shuriken from Kakashi Sensei.

"There's no way I'm letting you take Gaara!" Naruto shouted completely ignoring my criticisms.

Oh Jeremy... Can't he listen just this once...

"You're quite the odd Jinchuriki..." Deidara commented from atop his mount, "I heard that Jinchuriki generally hate people because of their own bad moods, hm... But this Gaara is unusual too... So far there haven't been any jinchuriki who care about others."

I froze. Normally I could keep my emotions in check fairly well, but right then there was an extreme risk of me losing it far more than I would normally allow for. What the hell does he think he knows about it?!? Kakashi Sensei sent me a wary look as an orange hue filled up my irises and a dark blue ring surrounded my pupils. I mouthed a quick, 'Sorry' as I stared back up at the akatsuki member trying numbly to maintain my sense of reason.

"Besides him two jinchuriki up until now were defeated by my peers. Their friends and those of their villages, it seems not a single one came to save them, hm... Instead, it appeared that they were on our side..." Deidara laughed at that sentiment, "Both so pitiful and detested, you couldn't ignore each other, hm?" my nails started to grind into my palms as I bit my lower lip, "Because Gaara's tailed-beast was extracted he died. You will share the same fate shortly, got it?"

Naruto's POV

"You damn bastard..." a voice said that although at first I thought was my own it was obvious that it belonged to the girl that was now standing next to me, "What the hell do you think that you know about Fu?!? And, just what the hell do you think you know about me?!?" Her eyes had changed not just in color, but in the energy that was coming from them. There was burning rage just behind those eyes, more than I'd ever seen come from Izumi. Not only that, but now there was a pair of wings that had emerged from her back. One a mint green and the other a midnight blue, "What do you think you know about anything?"

She sprang from her position heading toward the man in the sky. I was about to go after her when I was grabbed from behind, "Damn... She's acting so recklessly...." Kakashi Sensei sighed, "I guess I should have seen that coming all considering... I said wait, didn't I?" he asked me to earn a light groan from me as I snarled at him, "It's alright..." my sensei said gently, "We'll definitely get Gaara back, so calm down..."

"That's right... that one had this troublesome girlfriend, didn't they?" Deidara smirked as Izumi flew up to him ready to send her fist right to his face, "If it wasn't for you the seven tails would already be in our possession, hm!"

Izumi was about to make contact when a set of explosions went off causing her to block the blow by crossing her arms like a shield in front of herself. A log fell to the ground in her place as she landed next to me.

"Are you alright...?!?" I helped her to her feet noticing the burns that covered her forearms.

"That was stupid..." She mumbled shivering slightly as she recoiled from the encounter, "Sorry, to make you worry... I'll be fine..." it was obvious that the blue-haired girl was in an enormous amount of pain despite the way she smiled at me when she spoke, "Don't give me that look..." Her eyes were still orange and blue and there were still wings poking from her back, "I heal a lot faster now that I have the seven-tails, it's one saving grace I suppose." She returned to her full height using my shoulder to support herself for a moment before taking a deep breath, "I've calmed down a bit now, so I won't do anything that rash again, okay?"

"listen you two, you're not used to this type of opponent. Both you specialize in close combat, so a long-distance fighter, like this one, is a bad for you." Kakashi Sensei spoke as we started moving again, "There are only two ways to defeat an opponent like this. Unless one you two wants to get injured again..."

"And, what are they?" I asked as both Izumi and I looked at the silver-haired man intently.

"Firstly, you could draw the opponent into close combat and defeat them, and the other is to outdo them with your own long-range attacks."

"So, what are we supposed to do?" I pressed.

Izumi's POV

"Either a companion who specializes in long-distance attacks or someone who can use long-range combat support ninjutsu must be in your team." Kakashi Sensei explained looking forward, "If that's not the situation... then defeating the enemy is impossible. Well, unless you have a brain like Shikamaru.

"Get to the point! So, what are you, Kakashi Sensei?!?"

"Oh... Me?" the jonin mocked surprise as he sent a teasing look in our direction, "I guess I'm a jonin who has a brain like Shikamaru and long-range combat support ninjutsu."

I smirked lightly as Naruto shouted, "Then we have what we need!!!"

"So, I told you to calm down."

I really like Izumi and Naruto's friendship (I'm really sorry to anyone who ships them btw because ha ha... ha... ha... I'm really sorry I don't really have any reasons specifically, but its' just not gonna happen. Probably says something about how my friendships have been in real life recently...) Anyway moving on, I did the thing and I'm actually quite happy with this chapter (other than a few things). Whoop, whoop I don't really have anything else to say at the moment, so until next time!

-- Amy

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now