Izumi's Pain

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Naruto's POV

"Get a hold of yourself!" Sakura ordered smacking a hand to my face returning me to reality.

"I'll show you how to do it." Kakashi Sensei said focused on our target earning a nod and focused stare from Izumi and me.

Just then Itachi sent an enormous fireball our way causing us to scatter and Kakashi Sensei to escape through a hole in the ground, That's Kakashi Sensei for you! I thought proud of the man's quick thinking. Kakashi then burst from the ground and proceeded to spar with Itachi using his taijutsu, but he was soon stopped as the two's eyes met.

Itachi scoffed softly, "No wonder..." he muttered wistfully, "I wouldn't expect you to be affected by that genjutsu... This is a shadow clone." He concluded as Kakashi Sensei appeared from the hole he had made previously.

"Handle him and my shadow clone!"

I acted immediately a shadow clone immediately at my side, but Izumi was frozen in her self-doubt, "Got it!" I smashed my giant rasengan into Itachi and the shadow clone causing the clone to poof away immediately and the full impact to act out against the akatsuki member.

"A...Amazing..." Sakura breathlessly stated as Izumi couldn't help to smile even as she squeezed her arms around herself

My eyes widened a bit as Itachi smirked with blood running down my chin. Why was he...? As the smoke cleared the truth was revealed, "Guh...!" I groaned staring down at the fallen man before me. It wasn't Itachi.

"This is..." Chiyo muttered her too staring at the man.

"Was it... Their jutsu... Or what?" Sakura questioned furrowing her brows.

"I had a bad feeling about it in the middle..."

"I need to tell you all something." Izumi broke in urgently not even bothering to give the fallen man her glance, "I can't hide this any longer." She explained turning her face toward me and swallowing lightly as she shifted her weight between her feet. Her eyes fell dim as they caught mine, "Leave." She said shortly immediately shifting her gaze away.

"What?" I asked taken aback by my friend's sudden comment, "What do you mean leave?!? Aren't you about to tell us something important???" my voice raised in pitch as she scowled at me.

"I meant exactly what I said." She replied shortly not even privileging me a single look as she focused on the others, "Leave my sight, so I can talk. This isn't something that affects you or something you need to know."

"What do you mean?!?" I started to yell as her eyebrows scrunched together and a vein poked out on her forehead, "We're on the same team, ya know! How could you try and hide something so important from me?!? I don't what rotted inside your brain while you were gone, but you're not the same person, Izumi..." my voice fell in anger as I said the last part, "If you're like this I don't think I can trust you..."

She seemed shocked for a moment and her eyes moistened as a wood kunai formed in her grasp, "I'm very sad to hear that from you, Naruto, but I don't care." Her eyes met mine for a second time and I was surprised that in itself hadn't ended my life, "Just leave before I lose my temper." She huffed not daring to meet my eyes for a third time.

"Fine." I huffed back turning away from the rest of the group, "Just don't think that I don't mean what I said and when you're done gossiping do be sure to let me know."

"Oh, I will..." Izumi's voice was now only a cracked whisper, "I'm sorry, okay..." she muffled as her eyes fell to the ground, "I just... I can't right now...."

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon