Izumi and Captain Yamato

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Izumi's POV

I stared into the bathroom mirror looking especially closely at my eyes. They were their ordinary silver color once more and it had in fact been a couple days since we got back from the sand village. My eyes had been like they had during my last fight with Sasuke, but the rest of me had remained as it always is. Those purple eyes... What did they mean? I sighed turning away from the mirror as I ran a hand through my short hair. There was no use wracking my brain about it. The only thing I could really do was research and maybe ask around, but there wasn't any time at the moment. It would have to come after my meeting. Since Kakashi Sensei had more than outdone himself team seven was to have a new leader for the time being. I was less than looking forward to dealing with some stranger, but the decision was out of my hands, so I would just have to adjust as much as I could.

Yamato's POV

"... And that's how it is." Lady Tsunade finished staring at me purposefully, "You will take Kakashi's place."

I smiled lightly behind my mask completely sure that this was to be an interesting experience, "To take Kakashi Senpai's place... That is indeed an honor." Izumi, is a bigger question though...

"This is not an anbu mission." The hokage continued her explanation of the task at hand, "It is a regular mission. You will remove your mask and be assigned a codename. For the duration, you will take on the name of, 'Yamato'.

"I understand." I replied coolly as I removed my mask for what felt like the first time in ages.

"...There is one more person... One of the members of the anbu training department 'root' has been assigned to team Kakashi. And..." She trailed off a moment with her hands folded in front of herself on her desk.


"Keep an eye on his movements." She said seeming even more serious than she had just moments before.

"...What do you mean...?" I took my old student from my mind feeling concerned toward this mystery member.

"The new member is one that Danzo recommended. Danzo is..." Lady Tsunade thought for a moment, "He's a man who previously opposed the third hokage, emphasizing the use of military power over diplomacy. He created a separate division in anbu, The training division, 'Root', with himself as a leader. You must have heard of him." I gave a small nod keeping all my questions to myself for the time being, "The group has been disbanded and he has lost his position... But he hasn't changed. He must have some ulterior motive."

"Are you sure you're not overthinking this...?" I tested carefully not wanting to press her patience too much.

"Hmm, anyway..." she gave me no clear answers, "Go and introduce yourself to the team."


Izumi's POV

I arrived first sitting on the stone steps where we'd decided to meet up. Arriving early always seemed like a good idea until I got there first and was bored out of my mind until someone else decided to show up. This time I was met with a surprise when I caught sight of Tenzo Sensei walking my way, I hadn't seen him since I'd gotten back to the village and I felt like a child as a grin broke across my face.

"Sensei!" I cheered as I threw my arms around his shoulders nearly forgetting about the enormous weight on my own, "Geez, you haven't changed a bit, have you?!"

He smiled back taking a quick glance around, "It's good to see you too..." the brown-haired man ruffled my hair as he took in a deep breath, "I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then...." He said it in a confusing way that made him seem both relieved and burdened at the same time.

"What's wrong?" I asked moving myself to a comfortable distance, "Did I forget to put on deodorant?" Well, sarcasm is the best defense mechanism I've got.

"You can't call me Tenzo anymore..." Tenzo sighed softly, "From now on I'm Captain Yamato."

"Oh..." I sighed in return as I adjusted my flak jacket around my shoulders, "You're the one filling in for Kakashi Sensei..." Yamato nodded earning a light tongue click from me, "Well, I can't complain too much." I smiled a bit once more at the man, "I have been meaning to see how I measure up to my old sensei after all the training I've done."

. . .

"Hiya..." The new member of our team, aside from Tenzo Sensei, was a pale boy with dark hair. He smiled somewhat in greeting.

"Y... You!!!" Naruto exploded at him with a finger extended toward the boy. Sakura and I gave the two curious stares.

"Um..." Yamato mumbled as he proceeded with his own introductions, "From now on, Team Kakashi... I'll be taking Kakashi's place as..."

His message was long forgotten as we started talking among ourselves, "Naruto, you know this person?" Sakura asked first.

"Sorry about before." Sai, our new teammate, apologized, "I just wanted to gauge the ability of my new team member, "He explained clearly not interested with being gentle in his words, "I just didn't know how much I'd have to look after the little prick with no balls."

Oh, Jeremy... I placed a hand to my face before quickly moving them both to cover my ears, I'll be lucky if I don't go deaf by the time, I'm twenty...

"What did you say?!? Naruto roared predictably at his new teammate.

"Hey, he's our new teammate now! Cool down!" Sakura ordered grabbing the blond behind the shoulders, "But you're... not that nice..." She told Sai honestly.

"Ahaha... Really?" Sai laughed, "I like people like you, friendly crones."

Please, kill me now...

"You what!!!!!?"

"Hey, remember what you just said to Naruto!!!" Tenzo Sensei said in alarm as she too tried to attack the boy.

I shook my head as I placed a hand on the brown-haired man's shoulder, "Don't waste your breath, Sensei... You'll seriously lose your voice if you keep that up."

Whoop, hello again! I managed to update again even though my life is pretty crazy at the moment. This book just reached 100 reads the other day and The Little Senju just reached 900 reads, so thanks as always!!! I'm so happy to see everyone enjoying and reading my writing again and on my birthday no less (Has existential crisis upon realizing that I'm not a teen anymore...). Anyway, I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm so frick fracking nervous. I've never had an interview of any kind before and ahhhh.... Please, send help.... Well, on that note, until next time!!!

-- Amy

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now