✨chapter 11-back to the hype house✨

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Avani's pov

we're almost 3 hours in the mini van, we're probably arriving in the hype house soon "yay we're back" charli says and open the door to leave, and everyone does the same.

"hey girlss" Addison says "hii addi" I say and hug her and charli does the same "hii" kouvr says and we hug her "tell us everything that happened" Addison says and kouvr agrees with her "ok ok" I say "bye madii, seb and chris" charli says and hug them, and I do just the same, they're not from the hype house, and they need to go home for some reason "bye" they say and leave with the mini van, and suddenly kouvr and Addison pulls me and charli to kouvr's room "oh my god" I say and laugh.

charli's pov

we're now on kouvr's room and her and Addison want me and avani to say everything that happened "ok so..." I say and start telling them everything. "but... we're suddenly alone and a man putted a gun on my head and asked avani to call the squad" I say "WHAT?" Kouvr says "oh my-" Addison says "let me continue" I say and they laugh "so, avani called them and the man asked us to give him all the money we have, or he'd leave with me, them seb or Chris, I don't remember, called the police and before we give him the money the police arrived and asked him to put the gun down and this things" I say and the girls are with shocked faces "why didn't you tell me?" Addison asks "cause we didn't want you guys to be scared, we were already fine" avani says "ok ok, omg how a crazy day" kouvr says "yes it was".

Dixie's pov

now I'm shocked, charli leaved kouvr's room and went to mine and told me that they were almost assaulted and that WAS A GUN ON HER HEAD and she didn't told me? this girl... "charli I swear that I'm almost killing you for not saying that before" I say "I'm sorry I just don't want you to be scared" she says "fine, but have you already told mom and dad?" I ask her "no..." she says "charli! you have to tell them now!" I say, our parents will probably be worried and kinda angry but ok.

Anthony's pov

tomorrow I'm going back the sway and avani don't stop hugging me "I'm gonna be without air girl" I say and she giggles "I don't want u to go back to the sway" she says "but I need to bb, but in 1 week we're gonna go to Bahamas, so we're seeing again soon" I say and she smiles "wanna se a film?" I ask and she nods "I wanna see IT" she says " ok, chapter 1 or 2?" I ask " 2, but I'll cry" she says and giggles.

so now is practically in the end of the film, and avani is sleeping, so I turn off the tv kiss her forehead and start using my cellphone, I slept in the trip, but she didn't so she's tired.

chase's pov

it's now 7pm and Anthony and avani call me and charli to go downstairs cause we're going to decide where to eat, so we go with them. "I think we should eat in Taco Bell" nick says "no!" me, charli, avani and anthony say quick in the same time "woah, why not?" nick asks "ok, so we went to Taco Bell there, and me,seb,madi and Chris we're going to catch our food and charli and avani we're on the table and suddenly avani comes running and with a worried face and call us to the table, and there was a man holding charli with a gun on her head, and asked us for money, but seb called the police and it arrived before we give him the money, so yea" I tell them everything and now everyone is shocked, except Addison,kouvr and Dixie, I think charli told them "oh my-" nick says "omg guys" Thomas says "yea, why didn't you told us?" tony says "we didn't want you guys to be worried, so we decided to tell just when we arrived back" charli says and avani, me and Anthony nods.

charli's pov 

"ok now that you know what happened let's decided where to eat" I say "ok, what about McDonald's?" tony says and everyone nods.

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hiii again, after 3 days, I'm here again :)  (read my previous A/S to know why) 

I ended up the story like that cause I don't know what to say of them having dinner, but I wrote 748 words yay

 one question PLS ANSWER what do you guys think:

✨ I continue the story on the other day, or I skip to the Bahamas trip?✨

tell me, so I continue the way you prefer :)

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