[28] Varor... Why did you have to open your mouth?

Start from the beginning

"W-Wait! (Y/N)!" Varor's voice carried a slight pleading tone to it.

"Obviously, I need to have some big strong man to look after me. Because I can't myself." You huffed angrily, making your way to the door. Passing Valka as she stood from her seat, you had nearly forgot she was here.

"Where are you going?!" Varor called out to you as he went to intercept you from the door. Except, he was held back by Valka. You barely heard her utter that you needed some time alone before you had marched outside and slammed the door.


Back in present time, you are still pacing back and forth in the lush green grass. Skyler is simply clawing at a tree right now, stripping it of its bark.

"I'm a grown woman! I can perfectly handle myself just fine!" You continued on with your rant. Throwing your hands about in exaggerated gestures to better reflect your feelings. You felt all kinds of conflicting emotions: frustration, sadness, anger. But like some defensive instinct, you clung onto your feeling of anger the most. Leading to you ranting in a clearing outside to no one in particular. Just yelling out to the audience of the wind, trees, wildlife, and Skyler who probably isn't even listening.

"Just because I can't remember my past, does not mean in any way that I still can't figure anything out now!" You went on. Turning around to not run into a large tree trunk, and give yourself more room to pace. "I am not fragile, and I can defend myself well enough. Hell, I only got one cut on my hand when I handled that Rumblehorn, one! And he has the audacity to tell me I'm too weak to face danger? UGH!" You threw up your hands to the sky before plopping down harshly on your butt. You crossed your arms and gave the poor grass a death glare as you now fumed silently on the ground.

You don't know how long you've sat there in the grass. Frustrated thoughts running through your head one after another. Skyler eventually nudges you in the side, causing you to look up into her violet gaze. She tugs at your sleeve, before letting go and motioning with a swing of her head for you to get on. Confused and still seething, it takes a few more tugs on your sleeve before you give into the Wooly Howl's demand and climb onto her.

"Alright, I'm on. Now what are you up too?" You asked your dragon as you crossed your arms over your chest.

Skyler let out a gurgle and seemed to smirk up at you. You raised your eyebrow in question at her as she turns to look straight ahead. You can feel her muscles bunching up as you sat upon her saddle. Your eyes widen when you pick up what is about to happen. Throwing your hands forward to grab fistfuls of fur, barely managing to do it on time before Skyler leaped forward. You hung onto her tight and leaned forward in the saddle as she ran as fast as she could through the small strip of forest to Berk. Several times you were forced to duck and lie flat on Skyler's back as low hanging branches tried to sweep you off your dragon. Birds let out a thrilling warning call as they fled the trees when Skyler raced by.

"Skyler?! Where are we going?!" You demanded over the wind whistling past your ears. Skyler only responded by letting out an excited roar, scaring a terrible terror that happened to be sleeping in a tree. It arched it's back and hissed angrily at your two in the moment it was still within your view.

Skyler finally busted from the foliage and dashed towards the village. You watched as the distance between you and the village closed. Leading headfirst to vikings roaming around going about there business. Bucket, a Viking known for wearing a bucket on his head, was carrying a crate of fish directly in Skyler's path. He happened to look in your direction as you gazed at him in worry. He froze and stared at you and Skyler as other Vikings scurried to move out of her way. He clutched the crate tightly to his chest as he helplessly looked side to side. Obviously, too shocked to move.

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