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I wasn't positively sure what possessed me to walk into the cafeteria during lunch. Maybe the fact that I knew that Lola would be waiting for me in the art classroom? Perhaps I just wanted to see Gavin? Whatever the reason was it didn't matter when I saw Evelyn sitting by herself at an empty lunch table.

It was almost like you could see the cloud of doom and despair roaring and thundering above her, covering the table in light coat of rain and sleet. When ever someone approached the rain and sleet picked up to a pounding hail, practically engraving little bullet like holes into the wood of the table top. So with a deep breath I pulled on a rain coat and braved the harsh weather that surrounded Evelyn.

With a determined pace I took a spot opposite Evelyn, placing my water bottle on the table in front of me. Evelyn didn't look up, didn't even seem to notice that I had sat down. But I know she had.

Evelyn: "Hey Freya."

She said so quietly, almost a whisper. My heart clenched for her, trying to imagine the pain she was in.

Me: "Hi."

Evelyn: "You know I was there, I saw her flat line."

Evelyn's mumbling was almost inaudible, but damn me if I missed the pain that laced and drove every word.

Me: ". . ."

Just like with Lola, I didn't know what to say. What on earth could I say? I had felt pain, but I hadn't felt anything like her pain. I could sympathize, but empathize, I didn't come anywhere close. So I merely reached a hand over and placed it on her arm, trying to give her some kind of comfort.

Evelyn: "Why are you here?"

She finally looked up, her blue gaze connected with mine. Those dark blue eyes almost seemed like a watery gray now, and it shocked me as I noticed it. The way loss and pain could change someone so drastically. This wasn't the Evelyn I knew. I didn't know if I'd ever see that Evelyn again.

Me: ". . ."

Evelyn: "I've never understood why you don't talk. It didn't bother me at first, I didn't even notice. But it's so obvious now. I don't know if I've ever heard you say a complete sentence."

Evelyn seemed to marvel at the idea, like it was a new found treasure.

Me: "Nothing to say."

I shrugged, removing my hand from her arm to recoil it back around my water bottle.

Evelyn: "I doubt that. Everyone has something to say, a story to tell."

Evelyn shrugged back, as well if it was no big deal.

Me: ". . ."

I did have a story to tell, but it wasn't really my story, so I couldn't really tell it. Therefore I didn't really have anything to say.

The bell soon rang after we fell into silence. As we got up to leave I saw the sun peeking through the clouds and the hail seemed to almost completely stop besides a dribble here and there. It looked like things could be clearing up, for Evelyn at least.


I used a weather metaphor to describe Evelyn's mood and surrounding vibe.

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