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By the time lunch came around my stomach was growling with hunger. But like always I avoided the cluster of teenage hormones and walked to the table I shared with Evelyn.

Evelyn always brought her lunch in a Hello Kitty lunch box. Evelyn was obsessed with Hello Kitty. She had a Hello Kitty wallet, phone case, and bag that she carried all her work in. It was borderline obsessive. It's not like I really cared, but it was a tad bit odd.

Evelyn sometimes shared her food if her mom packed enough. Today wasn't one of those days so I would have to wait until I got home to eat.

Evelyn: "Oh My God, why is that weird girl coming towards us?"

I looked up to find who Evelyn was talking about. An oddly tall girl with pink hair was bouncing over to us.

Me: "..." I shrugged.

Evelyn: "Please tell me she isn't coming over here?"

The pink haired girl came over and sat next to me. She has snake bites, the two bottom lip piercings. She also has a noes and eye brow piercing. I couldn't help but to cringe away. She looked unbelievably creepy.

Pink Hair: "Hi guys!"

Evelyn: "Uh huh."

Me: "..."

Pink Hair: "I'm Lola, what about you guys?"

Evelyn: "Evelyn."

Me: "Freya."

Lola: "Holy mums you guys have such pretty names."

Evelyn: "What's your real name?"

I thought it was Lola.

Lola?: "Lola is my nickname, my real name is Loretta Langley, so Lola."

Evelyn: "What a dreadful name."

Lola: "Yeah, my parents must have been high or something when naming me."

Evelyn: "Cool?"

Me: "Why are you here?"

Lola: "Oh, I was bored sitting by myself and I thought you guys looked a little lonely so here I am."

Evelyn: "We aren't lonely."

Lola: "Oh, well my bad. But hey I'm already here and I was lonely."

Evelyn: "Okay?"

Me: "..."

Lola: "What grades are you guys in?"

Evelyn: "Ninth."

Me: "..." I nodded.

Lola: "Sweet, me too. I'm in your art class Freya."

Me: "You are?"

I don't remember seeing her, and it's hard to miss her.

Lola: "Yeah I just got switched to your period yesterday. I peeked my head in yesterday and saw you, but I got nervous and left."

Lola started laughing like it was hysterical. Evelyn looked murderous and I probably didn't look like anything.

Me: "Oh."

Lola: "Yup, I got a bunch of my classes changed. I have two classes with Evelyn, remember I was in your gym and math class."

Evelyn: "Yeah, I remember."

I swear she mumbled something else, but I didn't catch it.

Lola: "I can tell we're all going to be great friends. All my friends left last year so I'm super lonely."

Evelyn: "Okay."

Me: "..."

The bell rang and we headed to our classes.

Lola: "My art class was full of idiotic jerks. I hope this art class is nicer."

Me: "..." I shrugged.

We continued down the hall in silence, Lola still following me.

I sat down at my art table and Lola sat next to me.

Lola: "Do you think I'm weird?"

Me: "..." I shrugged, again.

Lola: "Freya, I know I'm a little different, but I thought we could be friends."

I looked at her, and I didn't see a pink haired girl with a lot of piercings, I saw me. Someone who craved friendship, craved to be accepted. She was just brave enough to go out there and try and get it. I wasn't brave enough to reach out and take what I wanted.

Me: "..." I nodded, with a small smile.

Lola: "Oh jeez, thank you."

She threw her arms around me. I sat stone cold, not even moving an inch. Lola was hugging me, like Ainsley did.

Gavin: "Oh, look at this love fest."

He plopped down across from me. Lola pulled away and looked Gavin over.

Gavin: "Who is this?"

Why was he asking me?

Me: "Lola."

Gavin: "A perfect name for you."

He smiled at her with that goofy grin.

Lola: "Th-thanks."

She stuttered, and blushed. She blushed!

Gavin: "So tell me what you think?"

Gavin sat his notebook down in front of me.

Me: "You should pick a different art form."

Lola nodded her head in agreement. Gavin's drawing wasn't getting any better. His football was probably getting worse.

Gavin: "Ugh, what am I supposed to do?"

Lola: "You could try using clay or using cut up photos to create a collage of your football. Like you could cut up a bunching pictures that hold meaning to you and arrange them so they look like a football."

Gavin: "Wow, that's a great idea, thanks Lola."

Gavin flashed her that cheesy grin and went back to his seat. I could practically see Lola melting inside. She's a weird chick if she finds Gavin attractive. He's cute, in the surfer boy kind of way, but he had no density. He's like a blow up toy, there is no depth to him. He can't go deep, just float on the surface. Which is fine, but I don't know how anyone could hold a conversation with him. He was sweet, I'll give him that, but that's it.

Except Lola had fallen for his charm. Figures, he has a winning smile, that's for sure.


So we have a new character, Lola. What do you think? Is she cool, weird, or you just don't like her? Well too bad because she's sticking around for a few chapters.

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