Chapter 9: The Forest

Start from the beginning

" Don't think about it. No one will her you." He said to her. Ashley stepped back instinctively away from the man. It was the same man that showed up at her door. Ashley felt herself fill with fear and she froze.

" Now, your coming with me." He said. Ashley stood every so still as her brain began to think between fight or flight. Either one sounded like it would end badly. But she had no choice. Without a second thought Ashley took to her feet and ran as fast as she could, dodging trees as she went. She jumped over stones and fallen trees. The man was chasing her as she could hear his footsteps behind her. They were catching up to her. Ashley's legs began to burn as she pushed them over her limit. The adrenaline was the only thing that kept her going.

But this soon was not enough, when something hit her shoulder from behind. Sending her straight into the ground face first. She skidded to a stop and she gripped her shoulder. Looking at her hand she saw red liquid. Pain surged through her body like crazy as she gasped for air.

"I told you, not to run." The man said with a smirk as he walked up to her.

" Don't worry, its a through and through. Nothing serious." He said picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

" That is, if its treated soon." He said before Ashley could no longer hold her consciousness and slipped into darkness. The two last things she thought of. Was Chris and Jasper.

Jasper ran as soon as he knew Ashley could not see him. He needed to hunt, now. He stopped running and listen for his prey. Once he heard the sound of hooves of a deer, he did not take a moment before he launched himself towards the unsuspecting deer. Draining it of the tasteless red liquid, Jasper began to feel better. But he felt strange, like something was wrong. A buzzing sound vibrated in his pocket. Showing someone was phoning him. Pulling it out he notice it was Alice.

" Hey Alic..." He began only to be cut off by her.

" Jasper! Where is Ashley?" She sounded panicked to him.

" I don't know. Why?" He asked. There was a silence on the line before she spoke again.

" Oh my god. Jasper they have her and Chris." She said basically crying. Jasper's heart sank, he knew who she meant. She meant the people that killed her family. Jasper hung up the phone and immediately ran back towards were he left Ashley. As he got closer the smell of human blood grew stronger. He knew the smell very well, it belong to Ashley. It made him sick and anger at the people who had hurt her. But he was also angry at himself for leaving her.

" Ashley!" He called out stopping as the smell of her blood became the strongest. There was a large amount that was laying on the leaves. He bent down and ran his fingers through it. the smell was intoxicating to him. He stood up and stepped back as his eyes darkened.

" Ashley." He whispered in defeat. Just then Edward, Emmett and Carlisle all showed up. Carlisle walked over to the blood on the ground and looked around.

" She was shot. I can smell the metal in the air. From the look of it, she has lost a lot of blood. We have to find her soon." Carlisle informed everyone. Jasper stood up and looked to Edward.

" I will call Alister and ask for his help." Carlisle said pulling out his phone and calling him. Jasper looked to Edward.

" Alistair can lead us to the general location and then I can read their minds to find their exact location." Edward told them all. Just then Carlisle arrived back and smiled.

" We are in luck. Alistair is still in the area. He will be here..." Carlisle began but was cut off.

" Now?" Alister said as he walked out from the trees. His red eyes seemed to darken slightly at the smell of Ashley's blood.

" Damn, just fed as well." He muttered covering his mouth and looking to Carlisle.

" Carlisle told me, I will help. So lets get started." He told them and he took in a deep breath. The smell of Ashley's blood filled his nose and he closed his eyes to focus. It took him a while but he followed the scent. They all ran as fast as they could towards the edge of the forest. They were then joined by Rosalie, Alice, Esme and Bella. Nessie and Jake stayed at the house. They all followed Alistair as he  followed the scent.

" Alice, do you see anything?" Carlisle asked as they ran quickly through the forest.

" I see nothing. It's like someone is blocking me from Ashley and Chris's future." She simply said. Jasper just kept his focus on the way ahead. All he could think about was apologizing for not listening to her in the first place.  


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