one hundred - three

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"north, know that i would've taken your hand and gone..."

"hey, it's day two of you being in the hospital and..."

"i went to baseball practice today after being absent..."

"i still see your dad around town so i guess that means..."

"still no news about your condition. your sister doesn't..."

"i've had a recent theory. that maybe all superheroes..."

"i talked to ben today in class. said he misses you and..."

"i drank my first beer today. maybe you'd tell me..."

"i wonder where you are and if you wanna be there..."

"visited you today. again. it's always—i dunno..."

"day sixteen of you being half-dead. we're all still..."

"so i met this new kid in class today. her name's reese..."

"i decided to switch partners. it'd be better if i didn't..."

"it's stupid but somewhere in me, i keep hoping that..."

"remember nathan? of course you do, he might've..."

"what color of flowers would you like? white roses..."

"i saw your parents holding hands today in the park..."

"i went over to your house today because coach had me..."

"i just wanna look at you everyday because you're so..."

"a month's past. i... i don't even know what else to say..."

"you know, it's amazing how things can go from great to..."

"they say the five steps to grief are number one: denial,..."

"a detective, more specifically detective james Isaac..."

"my best friend, oliver meeker, who's your neighbor as i..."

"never in my life would i have thought that i would ever..."

"you know what's surprising? people aren't throwing..."

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