Chapter 55

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Julian strutted up the stairs to the ramparts, holding his head high as the only male in a sea of women. He struggled to focus as he passed them by. Some were stringing their bows, others were counting arrows. A few stood silently, staring out over the battlefield. 

He found Rhiannon quickly. Though she wore Thraelian armor and her hair in braids, her exposed skin was swirled with blue, like the first time he had met her. Her head was bowed and she was whispering quietly. 

"In need of assistance, milady?" Julian said, sweeping his arm dramatically. Rhiannon looked up. Her kohl-lined eyes startled him. "By the One God, you look like a demon with all of that makeup. Where did you get that paint, anyway?" 

"Coretta gave it to me," she huffed, straightening her greaves. "How did you get up here, Julian? And who gave you a bow?" 

"I may not be the strapping man I once was --"

"I don't ever remember you being strapping --"

"But I was still trained in archery since I was very young. I convinced Tabitha that she needed all of the help she could get, and she agreed." He puffed his chest, straining against the too-small armor. "I'm quite a talented shot." 

Rhiannon smirked. "We'll see about that." 

Horns sounded in the distance. Julian rushed to the edge of the wall to see an army -- his father's army -- flooding the horizon. 

His mouth was suddenly dry. He cleared his throat, struggling to swallow the bile that had risen. He looked at Rhiannon. Though her posture was confident and relaxed, as usual, there was a tautness around her eyes that he had never seen. 

"Ever seen battle, Princess?" he asked weakly. 

"Once, when I was twelve." She glanced at him. "My brother and his wife tried to oust my father from the throne." 

Julian swallowed. "What happened?" 

"They were beheaded," she said evenly. 

He swallowed.

"But you didn't fight," he said, laughing nervously. 

She shook her head. "No, I didn't." 

"I've never fought, either." 

He avoided her gaze by looking out at the battlefield. The Thraelian forces seemed so small in their formations under them. Enormous catapults stood behind them, loaded with various projectiles. It reminded him of the maps his father used to show him. After studying the maps, his father used to insist on a game of chess. Julian always lost. 

The enemy marched closer, the sound like thunder. Despite the bright sunshine, he shivered. He looked for his father. He knew he would be perched above the battlefield somewhere, watching over everything, looking for any weakness. Damon was probably next to him, now that he was nearly of age. And if the rumors were true his mother would be on his other side. 

A yearning for his mother washed over him. He couldn't quite believe she was alive -- he had to see for himself. 

There. A small hill just to the west of the battlefield, Elohine's standard flew. Guards surrounded them, and horses stood at the ready should they need to flee. He saw three chairs, though he couldn't tell who was in them at this distance. But three gave him hope. 

A horn blew from the ramparts, startling him from his thoughts. 

"Ready!" a woman bellowed from behind them. They nocked an arrow. "Aim!" They raised their bows. Projectiles were lit on the catapults below. 

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