Chapter 1

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"Blue or gold?"

Rhiannon looked up from her book. The youngest of her three handmaidens, Kala, stood before her, a dress in each hand. 

Rhiannon frowned. "Gold." 

"But the red hair of your wig looks so nice against the blue," Kala pouted, admiring the delicate fabric. 

"It does, but gold is just so much more regal. The blue is beautiful, but it doesn't exactly say 'future queen'."

"Hm, I suppose you're right," Kala conceded. "We'll save the blue for another time, then." 

"Your bath is ready," Jaida, another one of her handmaidens, called from the next room. 

Rhiannon sighed. "Time to begin the metamorphosis, then." 

She left her book on her bed and stepped into the bath of warm milk Jaida and Elysia had prepared for her. The smell of jasmine and cinnamon hung on the humid air. She sighed as she sank into the bath, careful to keep her hair dry. 

"I hope this bath was worth all the trouble," Jaida grumbled. A sheen of sweat coated her brown skin. "Lifting those barrels of milk was a pain. Not to mention figuring out how to prevent them from spoiling during our journey. And don't get me started -- "

"Mind your tone," Elysia snapped. 

"It's quite alright, Elysia. After all, I'm sure it was quite a hassle to get a tub of milk on a ship this small," Rhiannon cut in. "But come now, Jaida. A bath of milk is essential to my beauty routine. I simply couldn't go without it."  

"Of course, my queen," Jaida replied stiffly. "I'll take these barrels back below so they are out of your way." 

"Thank you, Jaida." 

Elysia sighed and returned to her task. The monstrous wig was on its stand in front of her. Her long, calloused fingers were carefully combing through the hair with oil before pinning each section into curls. Rhiannon marveled at her grace, her focus on her task. Unlike Jaida and Kala, Elysia had been a slave all her life -- that is until Rhiannon offered her the chance to go free or serve as her handmaiden. She thanked her gods that Elysia had chosen to stay with her. Her steady presence calmed Rhiannon, and her practicality tempered Rhiannon's dreams so they could be made into realities.

Kala bumbled into the makeshift washroom. "The paint is mixed and ready whenever you are, my queen." 

Rhiannon sighed. "I suppose I have to get out sometime. My robe, please, Kala?" 

Kala helped her out of the tub and into her robe. Once she had dried somewhat Kala led her to a small, makeshift platform so that she could be dressed and painted.

"Your dress, my queen," Jaida said, emerging from the bedroom. 

Rhiannon laughed. "You don't like it?" 

"It seems a bit . . . impractical," Jaida said, raising an eyebrow at the flimsy fabric. 

"For gardening or fighting or whatever it is you used to do, maybe," Rhiannon said, holding her arms out as Kala and Jaida pulled the dress over her head. "But not for seduction." 

"The gold is quite beautiful against your skin," Elysia said as she carried the styled wig to the platform. "Help me with this, girls." 

She stared out of the small porthole as they pulled and pinned at her hair, adjusting her weight on her platform so that she remained still despite the rocking of her re-purposed fishing boat. She could see the coastline of Elohine, just a green smudge in the distance. She noticed her hands had started to shake and she took a deep breath. She knew she was ready. She had planned for every possibility. One way or another, she would secure her throne today. 

"So -- just to be clear -- we're not invited?" Jaida asked. 

"Not technically," Rhiannon sighed. 

Jaida made the final adjustments to the thick, red wig while Kala and Elysia swirled blue paint in intricate runes and patterns all over her body. The paint was cold and sticky, but Rhiannon didn't mind. She had worn the paint countless times in her life, whether it be to parties, ceremonies, her sibling's funerals. By now, the strange sensation was welcome, even relaxing. 

The wig, however, was much less soothing. The massive wig and the headdress atop it was heavy. Rhiannon strained her neck against the burden.  She had only begun to wear the custom-made wig a few years ago as a way to honor Khepri's red-haired goddess, Cet. She was still not accustomed to its weight. 

"So how are we going to get in?" Kala asked. Her thin nose was scrunched up in concentration as she tried to remain steady enough to paint the detailed runes. She had smudges of blue paint on her face and in a few strands of her dark hair, but she didn't seem to notice. Though they had been at sea for a week, Kala had never quite adjusted to the constant rocking of the ship. 

"It's open to all Elohinian nobility." Elysia answered. Rhiannon shot her a grateful smile. She had stayed up countless nights planning this day with Rhiannon.

"We're not Elohinian nobility," Jaida pointed out.

"No, but Rhiannon is a princess of Khepri -- " Elysia said.

"Soon to be queen of Khepri and Elohine," Kala gushed. 

"-- so technically she is eligible to marry any prince. Usually the king would invite foreign royals if he wanted them there, but there's no rule that says she can't go," Elysia continued, her stern voice cutting through the interruptions.

Rhiannon nodded. "We'll walk right in. You will be in wearing your gis and head wraps --"

"And you'll be wearing what barely passes for a dress," Jaida said, wrinkling her nose at the sheer gold chiton her queen was wearing. Though Rhiannon was still only a princess to Khepri, to her handmaidens she was queen. 

Kala glared at Jaida. "You made the right choice, my queen. The gold really sets off the green in your eyes."

Rhiannon smiled down at Kala, who was finishing the last of the runes on her feet. She had always liked to think of her as a little sister. "Thank you, Kala. As I was saying, you will be my protection. I'll do all the talking. Elysia will stay on the boat and make sure it stays put while we're doing our business. I pay the captain and the crew well, but that doesn't mean someone hasn't offered them something better in exchange for my head."

"Oh thank Cei and Cet," Kala said, rubbing her stomach. "I cannot wait to be off of this boat. I don't know how much more of this rocking I can take." Elysia and Rhiannon laughed.

Jaida walked around to face Rhiannon, forcing her to look into her piercing eyes. "My queen, are you certain this will work?"

No, Rhiannon thought. She raised her chin. "Yes. I am certain."

Shadows in the Trees: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now