Chapter 45

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This time next week he will be on a plane. That's the only thought that has continued to circulate in my head this entire day.

Going away parties are supposed to be the fun kind of sad, right? You're supposed to laugh and remember everything that has happened up until this point and imagine all the great things that are yet to come.

Don't get me wrong, I am so incredibly proud of Harry and the band. They are about to start an amazing journey, their dreams are coming true. But somewhere over the last few weeks I have realized a new dream of mine is getting put on hold. Possibly ending a week from today. A dream made up of green eyes and soft brown curls, one that never fails to make my heart race.

But the thing is, you are allowed to have more than one dream. And I can't give up on the dream that brought me here to being with. And I can't ask Harry to give up on the one that's taking him to California. All I can do is hope that our dreams don't tear us apart.

"What are you doing over here in the corner?" Piper says pulling me from my thoughts as she takes her place next to me sipping from the plastic cup in her hand.

"Not really in the party mood," I sigh as my eyes stay focused on Harry's lean figure across the room.

His head falls back as he laughs at something Liam just said to him. There is a brightness to his eyes tonight that I have been missing for some time now. The sight brings a smile to my face despite everything else that's running through my head. As if Harry could feel my stare like always, his eyes find mine and a smile spreads across his face. The dimples that I love pop in his cheeks before he turns his attention back to Liam who continues talking to him.

"How are the two of you doing?" I turn to Piper who is watching me carefully.

I look away from her again and back to Harry as I speak not wanting her to see the sadness I feel. "Honestly it was bad for a while. We keep fighting over pointless things that are never going to change the fact that he's leaving. It has been better lately, but it's hard. I just miss him and he's not even gone yet." I sigh turning back to look at her when her hand grabs mine.

"I know." Piper says sympathetically. "I can't imagine how hard it is. I would be losing it too if Ellie were leaving." She sighs and I feel just a little better having her here even just to voice my never ending thoughts to her.

"But, just so you know." Piper says turning to look at me with a small smile. "I still believe that whatever happens, one day I will be the maid of honor when you marry him."

A small chuckle shakes my chest as I laugh at her grin. Only Piper could make me laugh when I feel this crappy. At least someone is confident in the future, I could use a little of that right now.

"I mean, I am kind of responsible for the two of you meeting." She says. I roll my eyes and continue to laugh at her.

"I'm not saying you have to name your first born child after me or anything but that wouldn't hurt either." She continues with her ridiculousness, her grin growing at my laughter.

"You're ridiculous," I laugh, shaking my head at her. Her eyes are attentive as she looks at me, her smile softening.

"It's never been easy with you guys, but I have to believe that one day it will be. That when two people love each other like you guys do, you fight for it." Piper says softly and I can hear how much she believes the words she is saying.

"Thank you Piper," I smile at her, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. "I would seriously be lost without you. Even if you are crazy." We both laugh as she hugs me back.

"I know," she says like I was stating the obvious. "It'll be okay. Ellie and I will be here. I'm sure he'll be back before you know it," she says trying to reassure me with a smile.

Lost in The City // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now