Chapter 22

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Ellie had the idea that we should all do a secret Santa gift exchange together. Liam and Harry weren't exactly thrilled with the idea but they got out voted. At the end of the night last week at the café we all put our names down on little pieces of paper and secretly chose names. I was so ecstatic when I got Pipers name because I already had so many great ideas for her.

It is now Friday night and we are all gathered in Piper and Chloe's living room to exchange our final gifts and celebrate the holiday before we all head our separate ways this weekend before Christmas on Wednesday.

Harry has been the same since after our talk at the pub over a week ago which is great, but also not. Because I have been doing the best I can to keep the thoughts that got stirred from my conversation with the girls at the café last week at bay but Harry is making it difficult. And I find myself analyzing every little touch and comment he makes to me.

I stopped by the coffee shop when Harry was working after class on Tuesday for some coffee before work. He asked if the offer was still on the table for him to join me for Christmas in New York, and when I told him yes the smile he gave me sent the warmest feeling through my body. He bought a ticket for my flight that night, and although it will be interesting to say the least to have him around my family and bring him to my childhood home. I also feel relieved he won't be here alone all of Christmas.

We are sent to fly out tomorrow morning and the idea of Harry meeting my family is suddenly becoming very real to me. I know that he will get along with my brother great, they are both sarcastic at my expense so I can only imagine what I am in for. I also know he will have no problem charming my mother and sister. My father has never been very overbearing and Harry and I are not together so I don't see my father giving him any problems either.

Harry asked me if I told them he was coming with me or not, and I thought about telling them but I decided against it. I figured I would save the questions until we got there. I only told Steph because she would kill me if I didn't. Harry seems a little nervous but I told him not to worry about it and that they will be fine.

Instead of focusing on the impending meeting of Harry and my family, I have been enjoying watching Piper try and figure out who her secret Santa is with the gifts she has been receiving everyday. I am a little surprised she hasn't figure me out yet, but tonight once she opens the snake skin boots I got her to match mine she will definitely know.

Piper got Harry's name and if I wouldn't of had hers I probably would have switched so I could be his secret Santa. Although I did help Piper pick his gifts anyway. But since they aren't coming from me I didn't get to do anything special like I would have otherwise.

But I ended up getting him a few small things and one special Christmas present from myself anyway because he will need something to open on Christmas. I packed them in my bag already to take with me to New York. Since my family doesn't know he is coming and they don't know him anyway, they won't be buying him anything. And I don't want him to not have anything under the tree on Christmas.

I didn't tell anyone even Piper that Harry is coming with me to New York, I didn't want to deal with her comments and suggestive ideas of what it means. So I guess it is kind of a secret. I didn't tell Harry not to tell anyone because that would be weird. But he doesn't share things anyway, so it worked out in my favor this time.

"Anna did you get yours?" Piper shouts at me from her spot by the tree pulling me from my thoughts. I hold up my gift so she knows I found it. Everyone has found the gifts with their names on them as we get ready to open our final gifts. I have a feeling Piper has me, but I guess that means Ellie could also have me because Piper would just tell her what to get. So I honestly don't know anymore. So far I have received a candle and fuzzy socks, a bottle of my favorite perfume, and a beautiful picture frame that can be used to make a photo collage.

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