Chapter 8

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I feel slightly empowered to know that I hold a little control over Harry. I know he has his fair share of girls and just tonight I saw plenty of them eyeing him at the game center, but to know that he was jealous or whatever he was because I was flirting with Niall sends a rush through me.

"Just because you were jealous doesn't mean you can act like an idiot," I tease him making light of the situation and poking him in the stomach with a chuckle.

He lowers his eyes at me and for a minute I am afraid he will get upset again, but instead he grabs the edges of my open coat and pulls me to him catching me by surprise. He laughs when a small gasp escapes my lips when my body meets his.

"I wasn't jealous," he says with a threating but playful look in his eyes.

"Sounds like you were jealous," I continue to tease him and smile up at him.

He groans eyeing me and scrunching his nose up at me, making me giggle again. The quick shift from me not talking to him the entire way home to giggling at him is strange but I decide to go with it.

"You better go inside. It's cold out here and your nose is turning red," he says changing the topic and tapping his finger on the tip of my nose making me scrunch my face up and earning a deep dimple smile in return. The sweet words are strange coming from him and his gentle actions are even more so.

The tension between us that's been building all night has now disappeared and I suddenly don't want him to leave. I know it's bad and I should walk away right now but I can't help myself.

I realize his hands are still holding onto my coat keeping my body pressed against him, his body keeping me warm. And my hands stay buried in my coat pockets safe from the cold.

"Do you want to come up and watch a movie or something?" I ask shyly hoping I don't sound too desperate as I look up to meet his soft gaze. I just want to take advantage of his good mood I tell myself. It's not like this will last long anyway. We'll probably be back to ignoring each other by tomorrow.

He looks a little surprised at my words but then nods eagerly with a smile that matches my own and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"Come on," I say nodding towards my door. He lets go of his hold on my coat and follows behind me.

When we get inside my apartment my previous butterflies turn to anxiousness as I take my coat off hanging it on the rack by my door and telling Harry he can do the same. Now that we are alone in my place we both seem unsure of what to say or do. I awkwardly offer him something to drink or eat, telling him I am going to make some hot chocolate. He says he'll have the same.

Before I walk to the kitchen I point to the movies on the shelf near the tv and tell him he can pick one and leave him by the front door as I go to make our drinks.

When I walk back out of the kitchen with our hot chocolate Harry is still standing by the door focusing on the picture on the wall.

"Is this the photo you took that day in the park?" He asks looking over at me then back to the photo. I'm surprised he remembered.

"Yeah I developed it at school this week," I say handing him his hot chocolate.

He leans forward studying the photo intently. "It looks even better than I remember," he says quietly and I'm not sure if I was supposed to hear the words so I don't respond, but I can feel my cheeks heat at the sweet words.

We end up picking out a random comedy to watch and Harry takes a seat on the couch kicking his shoes off and lounging on my couch like he has been here so many times it's practically home. After I put the movie in I turn to sit on the couch but I'm not sure how close to him I should go. I settle for leaving a comfortable amount of room between us, but that doesn't last long as Harry motions for me to move closer to him claiming that he is cold and needs to share my blanket. I don't mention his cheesy move but instead gladly give him some of my blanket.

Lost in The City // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now