Chapter 3

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It's been two weeks now since I went to the pub with Piper to see the band preform. Two weeks and I have thought about his messy hair and green eyes way more than I'd like to admit to anyone. I just can't seem to get that stupid smirk out of my head. I know absolutely nothing about him which is probably for the best. I'm hoping I won't see him anytime soon, at least until I am over my weird fascination with him.

Class is finally over not that I paid much attention to anything but the doodles I have been scribbling on my notebook or my thoughts wandering again to the wink he sent me.

"Hey are you still looking for a part time job?" Piper asks me as we walk out of our class.

"Yeah," I say putting my bag over my shoulder. "I was thinking something simple like a coffee shop or something. I have most of my expenses paid through the scholarship I got but I need some extra spending money for food and other bills," I tell her as she gives me an understanding nod while we make our way outside.

"Well the little clothing store that I work at is looking for another part time employee to work the sales floor with me. There's only two of us right now. It's mostly folding clothes and restocking shelves, but you get a good discount on their cute clothes. If you're interested I can put in a good word." she says as we continue our walk in the chilly October air.

A breeze blows through my open coat making me pull it closed to keep the chill off my body. It's nearly eleven and I am dying for some coffee. I was running late this morning and didn't have time to make any. I'm done with my classes today and Piper has some time before her next one so we decided to walk around and find a place for coffee and food.

"Really?! That would be amazing Piper! But are you sure you're okay with it?" I ask her because I don't want her to think she has to and I especially don't want to invade her work place.

"Are you kidding if you worked there I wouldn't be so bored all the time," she says with a chuckle reassuring me that she genuinely doesn't mind.

"Then yes that would be amazing! Just let me know where to send my resume or if I should just come in and introduce myself or whatever," I say unsure of how to handle the whole thing.

"I'll talk to my manager during my next shift and let you know," she says as we make our way into the little coffee shop I have been dying to try.

"You're the best!" I tell her, a giant smile on my face as I link my arm through hers pulling her to me.

"I know!" She laughs, but suddenly stops when her eyes land on something or someone in front of us.

I follow her glare to the tall guy with his messy curls and usual smirk plastered on his face as he stands behind the counter. Harry. He works at a coffee shop? I would not have guessed that.

My heart starts to beat just a little quicker now that I'm in his presence and I hate it.

"Ladies," he says dramatically with a smile on his face as we reach the counter. He looks even better in the daylight. His curls messy like he has been running his hands through them all day and his green eyes so bight they almost look blue.

I have to look away from him and shift my gaze on the menu above him pretending to study it as I avoid looking directly at him.

"Harry." Piper groans in response and I bite my lip trying not to laugh at the evil stare she is sending him.

We order our coffee and I ignore his flirty attitude no matter how charming he may be, I know how guys like him are and I am not getting into that mess.

We wait at the end of the counter for our coffee then sit at a little table in the corner of the cafe. Piper tells me more about the store she works at and we chat about our next assignment before she has to leave for her next class. The cafe is almost empty with only two or three other students working on homework or on their laptops. I am so focused on my laptop as I edit some recent photos I have taken that I don't noticed his tall figure near my table right way. But the air around me changes just enough to be noticeable  and I can feel his eyes on me as I pretend not to know he is standing next to me.

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