Chapter 4

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My shift is finally over. I haven't worked since I got here a few weeks ago so it's strange going back to a normal routine. It's only two o'clock so I decide to make the twenty minute walk home instead of taking the tube like I have been doing.

It's right around fifty degrees outside as it is now the middle of October, but with the sunshine it feels nice. I pull my black coat tighter around my body when a gust of wind hits me and sends my long hair in all directions, I wonder if I should cut it. I haven't had it this long in years, it's well past my shoulders now.

Fall is my favorite time of year, the lighting is almost always perfect no matter the time of day and the colors are so beautiful. I decide to walk through the park and enjoy the wonderful weather before I head back home. I told Piper I would go with her to the pub again tonight, but I have a few hours to waste before that.

The guys have another show tonight and I actually had fun last time besides feeling Harry's eyes on me and his arrogant smirk making me uncomfortable all night. Plus Piper is hanging out with the blonde she met and doesn't want to go alone so I figured it wouldn't hurt to tag along. I didn't have any other plans for the evening anyway.

I follow my gps in the direction of the park walking down streets I have yet to explore. I'm still learning to navigate my new city but I love stumbling across new places and finding new routes as I go.

My attention gets caught as I pass an open door to what looks to be a vintage shop. Considering I have the time to waste I walk inside and start browsing the racks of band T-shirt's and jeans. I could spend hours in stores like this. You can find the coolest and most random things in shops like this. I continue to search the store for a while, looking at all the cute boots and making a mental note to come back once I get my paycheck. Just as I am about to leave me eyes catch a glimpse of a glass case displaying multiple film cameras. I automatically stop, allowing my eyes to scan over the different vintage cameras some with tags that say working and some not.

"You like old shit huh?" A deep voice startles me, making me flinch slightly at the closeness of it. The voice came from behind me and I recognize it immediately. My body is suddenly frozen in place as I try to figure out if it's acceptable for me to ignore him till he goes away.

I can smell his cologne and feel him standing far too close behind me looking over my shoulder at the cameras in the case in front of me. I swear this guy doesn't understand personal space. I reluctantly turn around and his green eyes look from the case then down to meet my blue ones. How he can look so good just wearing a black sweater and black jeans blows my mind. I almost want to tell him it's none of his business and walk away, but I find myself answering his rude question.

"Actually, I just like cameras," I correct him with a sassy tone staring up at him. He doesn't break our steady eye contact but what surprises me is neither do I. It's like I can't look away.

"Do you like to take pictures?" He asks without a hint of sarcasm and this normal nonsmug version of him makes me slightly uncomfortable.

"Uhh yeah," I stumble on my words with a confused look on my face as I look away suddenly nervous and feeling like that was a very obvious fact. "I'm studying photography at Royal College actually." I say not really knowing why I am giving him this information. I notice how close we are standing to one another making me step backwards to create distance and he gives me a small smirk at my actions. "Didn't Liam tell you that when you asked him about me?" I say sarcastically trying to recover some of my dignity.

He is staring at me with the same look on his face from the coffee shop the other day. Slightly confused as a crease forms between his brows. His hands are behind his back making his shoulders appear even broader than usual. I stare at his lips as they stretch into a smile. He has really nice lips I can't help but think then immediately push the observation out of my head.

Lost in The City // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now