Chapter 7

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I am pissed. Beyond pissed. Harry's childish actions stuck on repeat in my mind for the past week. But nevertheless I find myself avoiding anything that might bring me into contact with Him again. His hateful words and menacing stare stuck in my head. I don't like the strong effect his words seem to hold over me.

By the time Monday morning comes around I have barely slept all week not able to get warm enough in my bed without Harry's body next to me has left me tossing and turning every night. The fact that he spent one night at my apartment and now images of him keep popping into my head worries me.

Him half naked laughing in my kitchen, him in my bathroom, him in his underwear asleep in my bed. It's like he is suddenly everywhere.

Every time I think of him laughing I remind myself how much of an asshole he was to me. I lost count of the times I have looked at the picture I took of him that morning. I almost deleted it just to ease all traces of him, but I couldn't get myself to do it because it was a really good photo.

On top of my own head betraying me, after speaking with my sister on the phone again last night for hours about her wedding the homesickness is even worse now. I love London and being here is a dream, but living alone has left me feeling lonely and I miss my sister and brother, as well as, New York. It's the kind of loneliness that drains you and makes even participating in a conversation tiring.

So when I take a seat next to Piper in class and she starts talking my ear off about the blonde Ellie she met at the pub I am too tired to even fake my interest in the subject at the moment.

"Are you okay?" Piper finally asks nudging me in the side as I stare blankly at the professor.

"I'm fine," I say lowly not looking at her.

When she doesn't respond I glance over at her and I know by the look on her face that my tone has hurt her feelings. "I'm fine," I say again but softer giving her a small smile. "I'm just tired and a little homesick at the moment." I explain, slightly embarrassed and looking away from her sympathetic smile.

I know Piper has been picking up on my strange attitude for the past week. Besides class and work I haven't wanted to do anything else, and I especially wanted to avoid going to one of the bands gigs this past weekend not wanting to face Harry and his ruthless words. Although I am relieved because I assume he kept everything that happened last weekend to himself because neither Piper or Chloe have mentioned it to me. I would rather just forget the whole thing happened and never talk to him again.

"Oh! You know what we should do!" Piper whisper yells next to me getting my attention. I can't help but give her a small smile at her excitement. "We should go to this game place on the other side of the city tonight. They have food, drinks, and all kinds of arcade games and stuff. It would be fun," she says pleased with her idea.

I scrunch up my nose at her because I'm not exactly up for going out. "I don't know," I mumble.

"Come on, you don't need to go home and sit alone when you are sad. It'll help get your mind off missing home and maybe get you out of this weird funk you are in this week," she says confirming my thoughts.

I'm glad she hasn't questioned me about it because I wouldn't be able to answer her. She would probably think I was crazy for letting Harry stay at my place and then say I told you so about how much of an ass he was.

"Alright," I sigh giving in because she is too excited about this and maybe it will help me get back to my normal self.

Later That Night...

We're walking down the street headed towards the game place Piper told me about this morning. Piper next to me and Chloe next to her. We took the tube from their apartment to the other side of town, and I'm relieved when I can finally see the big neon sign up ahead for the game place because it is getting colder out everyday and my boots are starting to hurt my feet from all the walking. But as we get closer my relief fades as I see a familiar mop of curly brown hair blowing in the wind. All the excitement I mustered for the night disappears as soon as I register his presence. Chloe jogs ahead of us to reach Liam and I turn to Piper avoiding looking in their direction and the possibility of meeting his eyes.

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